Ptr version 2 early feedback

Bear Sorc seems to be pretty bad

according to pre 2.4 attack speed calculator, this setup should reach 8F

(Crescent Moon PB, treachery & Nosferatu’s Coil)

But there’s no way this is 8F attack speed in 2.4 setting

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I believe bear on assa/sorc uses the characters frames pr direction.
So assuming we reach 150EIAS which is cap now. Which assa should reach simple. Sorc would need a faith merc to even get close… And has worse frames pr direction, but skips 2 first pictures on single attack(if thats still relevant)
Assa BEAR:
ceiling(11x256/floor(208x(100+150)/100))-1 = 5

How to reach 150 EIAS.
Bos level can be reached to give like 57 skill ias.
Runic has -30 WSM.
That alone is 87 EIAS.

120*150/(120+150) = 66 EIAS.
87 + 66 EIAS = 153 EIAS which caps at 150.

Actually you only need 126 EIAS to reach 5 frames on assa.
Ias needed: Ceiling(120*(126-57+(-30))/(120-(126-57+(-30)))) = 58 ias needed.

Sorc is a little harder to figure as i dont have access atm to my previous excel sheet.

I still dont think i have found the correct formula for serial attacks of werewolf fury…
Maby i can try out this:

That would be the Paw formula, but 40% faster… Wish blizzard would respont how they handeled the serial attack of fury, so we can make ias break calculations.
People say ETH reapers druids with CONC+Might merc now slays.

It also looks like we can have cool stormlash and destruction ctc builds now. And the earhshifter seems to allow cool hybrid builds :slight_smile:

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I guess more testing will be needed, but it is still quite hard to check that out

Any chance we can crank open some data file from PTR and see the formula?

That doesn’t really make sense to me because reaper troll doesn’t have IAS on weapon by default, and even with the new formula it should affect the cap speed he can do right?

Earth shifter is definitely a very viable/budget choice for hybrid,my friend was testing his hurracine fury wolf and he has determine doom polearm is best, and earth shifter at a close second for the fact that he can also attack at very fast with high physical damage now.

Well, its a -10wsm base, and you dont need the ias to be in the wepon anymore.

You may easiely reach 75 skill ias(lvl 37 werewolf i think)
So you already have 85 EIAS there…
I dno the serial EIAS break, but the PAW attack last break is 143 EIAS.

Ias needed: Ceiling(120*(143-75+(-10))/(120-(143-75+(-10)))) = 113 ias needed.
LOH+HL+Treachury+Andariel with a 15ias/30fr jool as an example. But Serial attack may reach breakpoint faster and u can live with 7 frame paw attack which used to be max on d2lod.

May I ask what is PAW attack?

Werebear normal attack, werebear maul attack, initial hit in fury attack, feral rage attack, normal wolf attack.
Does not include biting attacks such as rabies, hunger.

Also, im not able to enter gamefiles. I dont have the knowledge to do so.

Someone just gave out an interesting calculation, what do you think?

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If Werebear’s Maul will continue to be extremely slow using 2h weapons and if they don’t rework Shock Wave to do %weapon damage, then I will only play my own mod on Single Player.

Bear sorc should be using griz weapon with 4 shaels or phase blade with 6 shael.

Doesn’t matter cos you ain’t getting 5f anyways with the new calculation.

I think they meant “we changed the rollback from 100 to 60.” Which would give us the results here, under the assumptions listed.


Thanks, i have had rollback in my mind, as well as animspeed of 40% faster than 256.
However that link do not work for me…
So i dont fully understand it…

Or well now after reading it again i fully understand it lol xD

the 9 used in formula is:

So for a 1 handed wep this would be result 10 and for a polearm this would be 9.

Then you calc the old fury formula, only without custom animation speed like before, and using druid human shape framesperdirection.
And as serial attacks you dont have -1 in the end. Meanwhile last strike is a “normal paw attack” and has -1 in the end. The rollback used to be 100 yes, so now its 60…

This seems logical to be correct :smiley:

Thanks a lot, i will implement it to my excel sheet, but i will make 1 adjustment to freely choose between different wepon types like 1HS, 1HT, STAF, BOW, XBW, 2HS, 2HT etc
So the fpa formula i will use will be:

  • Hit1 FPA = CEILING((256*((FramesPrDirection+1)/2-0))/FLOOR(((100+150)*256)/100)) = 4
  • Starting frame for Hit2 = FLOOR(FLOOR(0+((4*FLOOR(((100+150)*256)/100))/256))*((100-60)/100)) = 4

Instead of 9 which would only be correct for polearm i would guess i use the formula like this instead.

So what you are saying is that all of the uber bear builds are ruined? That’s incredibly lame if so, I hope they revert the change or there’s gonna be a lot of ticked off players.

Yeah bear is like halved in attack speed. Everything that has bear form attacks under water.
Wolf gained amazing variety of weapons. All thunder maul, ogre maul, decapitator, glorious axe, and polearms are very good now even not thresher ones.

My bear was 5 fpa etomb, now is 9 if i’m correct. We need to make/find a calculator for new ias in order to properly make a build. Bear was slow moving but killing was good, i liked my build better in fireclaw+maul than fury even, now you are decrept lol.