PTR Update Request

Could we have some information on when the PTR will open back up? The PTR closed over a week ago and last we heard we would hear something in “a week or so.” The community would absolutely love some information regarding the status of this and the Ladder. The game has lost a large amount of the player-base due to the lack of Ladder and we need it sooner rather than later.


A quick update by the developers would be nice. If they need more time, they can just break the news to us.


I’ve been complaining for days in these forums about the neglect and abandonment of the devs…

too many fanatics appear defending blizzard without trying to reason…
Disgusted users, despite being the majority, we are not able to keep a thread like this on the top for a long time (although there are many different threads open)


im retired from the game waiting for news or PTR to test stuff because we are in the “end of the season”, but for how much longer? I buyied the game and im really excited for news.


yes there are many players concerned about this.
My guess is that blizzard’s business want to launch ladder later because of other games going on currently, so second half of April gossip might be true.
This does not look like delay because of problems with technical things.


It is starting to feel like this drunk friend who is embarrassed to write back after mass destruction night…
It is so F************* unprofessional, the least you do is follow up on your own freaking posts “Week or so”, then you write it wont be this week it will be next FINE then we know… i’m soon done with blizzard.


just this.
you do not need to close a PTR to be able to work on a database.
they have the next PTR ready, and probably the final patch as well.

the only logical reason for no progress or information is that, many new games have come out (and what’s worse, wow patch comes out on friday).

as they say up here, you have to break with blizzard. if msft hadn’t bought it i wouldn’t have hopes with his professionalism

No News, no Communication, no Future.
The funny thing is 1.14 don’t change anything actually for P5+, same builds will always rules like the 2 last decade.
All this blablabla in this forum with loyal players like us for nothing.
Blizzard is DOOMED.


If I was a community manager for Blizzard, I would feel an obligation to atleast give a quick status update to the community. I would also browse the forums and share good feedback to the developers while letting the players know their idea is being reviewed for consideration. Good communication.


I think they are sleeping don’t wake them up.

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thing is blizzard is not a small indie development studio. pretty sure VV browses the forums. the merc changes were straight up suggestions we made in 3 threads. but as people have mentioned before, big corpos have structures that slow down things, compared to a small dev studio like iron tower studios that can just let their devs post in the forums.

The lack of communication about PTR/Ladder release dates is pretty concerning, makes me think they are having a hard time fixing the stability issues and other things like the lobbies not displaying

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I am also soon done. Timelines are being stretched. All the momentum and excitement around 2.4 is now gone. Players are bored from waiting around to see mediocre changes.

Time is running out for D2r.

Just start the ladder with 2.3 patch like next week, and you will have 4 months to test and fix the 2.4 patch which is clearly not ready for launch.

A lot of great games are waiting to be played and you are losing player count and motivation with each passing day in the dark.

time is running out for D2r.


According to, the latest D2:R “vendor 1” version is 1.1.68354 updated on Feb 18.

As reference, the current version of D2:R is 1.1.67554
The last D2:R PTR version is 1.1.68132

The cogs are turning.

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“Week or so” before next phase of PTR, 12 days ago. Approaching “two weeks or so”.

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I’m also waiting. I know it takes time to update/test things and today is presidents day (holiday). So… fingers crossed. Typically blizzard releases patch data on Tuesdays so… we’ll see!

If only with this silence, they will annouce a currency tab… or a repaired lobby or chat with clan tag… i don’t care new builds for P1 solo player or new unsexual runewords

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Yep… Getting close. 13 days and counting…

Maybe today will be the day… Just because… Because… Ummm, because there’s so many 2’s in todays date. Maybe we’ll know something at 12:22PM or 2:22 PM pacific.

The silent treatment/lack of Blizzard communication/participation in the forums has gotten old.

Tired of having to dredge through two or three different twitter feeds and reddit just to get any news.


So, 2 weeks are passed, still no news. i dont understand how a company works like this? To leave all their costumers to darkness with no info or something.

They said one week or more and we already passed 2 weeks with nothing,.

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Mr Llama menntioned in his recent video that VV might still be working on balance changes. PezRadar commented in a reddit that a Druid summon guide will need changes (it was on 2.4 ptr numbers) Id assume they are still working on implemented balance changes and testing those. I prepare for a longer waiting time than “could be out any day from now”

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