PTR----they just gave wolf Druid a big middle finger

Alright then, Karen.

shall we test skills having negative AR next? i mean for the purpose of testing it should be fine right?

I am sure players would love to test things that we can see are terrible within less then 30 sec of gameplay.

Plenty of us have played the game for several decades and this is equal to taking an entire class out of a game with a change that nobody was asking for.


I think what they should do is reduce every caster FCR% by 50% and only let characters receive 11% FCR% max from gear next. To “test” and add “diversity”


To be honest, what’s so unique about shapeshifting? It’s just a reskinned frenzy barbarian with a bit of skill options. Might as well just remove druid out of the game if they don’t rework it properly. Fixing ias isn’t going to fix it. The entire tree needs some revamp to do.

The D2 we know and love is quickly disappearing friend.

What ever you and I used to love has been ‘corrected’.

We should never have been allowed to enjoy those goodies!!

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Did you read this?

We would like to encourage PTR players to experiment with different weapon choices for their Werewolf and Werebear forms. It is not our intent to reduce the viability of the transformed Druid. We will be looking at ways to improve the performance of the transformed Druid without sacrificing the benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations.

I was gonna say it was bad enough playing wolfbarb when they “fixed” the broken IAS, now gonna get a second “fix” (apparently) should be the final nail in the coffin for wolfbarb. Sad too, really enjoyed that build.

So is that “looking at ways to improve” gonna be for this patch, or are we gonna need to wait another 4 months for it

Did they announce an end-date for the PTR and a date for the patch release?

If they didn’t, chances are there’s more changes
If they did, chances are there aren’t more changes.

If only there were some way, some simple check box we could check, to play legacy LoD in D2R, hmmm…nah, probably too much work, let’s all jump into the void together, see how it goes, why would we ever anchor a rope to the top on the off chance jumping into the void together wasn’t such a bright idea

“It’s okay” they say “if you want the game with no changes, you can go play legacy D2 in 800x600” they say

Yeah, we should be lucky they didn’t destroy the original client like Warcraft 3: Rescrapped

Aren’t we thankful?!

Also like D3…this patch around, it’s…spins wheel…this sets turn to shine! Woohoo! Sorry everyone else, check back in 4 months!

we had decades to test out all weapons in the entire game for fury and werebear druids.

it take next to no time what so ever to see that we cant even come near the old speeds.

Reducing speed is a direct reduction of viability on a class that leech to stay alive.

They are not talking to people new to arpgs. They are talking to people who have played the genre much longer then mere 1000 of hours on a single game. Many of us have played this game for 10000 hours or more.

That is just in diablo 2. Most of us have at least tried other arpg games over the years.

We as a community know the damn mechanics and can test it out much much faster they someone who is new to the game.

“we will be looking at ways to improve the peformance of the transformed druid without sacrificing the benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations”

At best sounds out of tough and at worst sounds like the developers have no real clue as to why people play were druids at all.

R u sure? Have u tested Serpent Lord Long Staff? It’s really OP will give you unlimited mana leech to use Rabies with I think it’ll be really good u gotta try it out otherwise we’ll never know if it’s good or not thanks 4 helping us blizz I think we all forgot about Serpent Lord until now we have a reason to use it with these changes to see how bad SS druids can get

I meant how good/strong druids can get, not how bad, whoops lol

I refuse to believe you’re older than 20, honestly.

Okay that’s nice but what does that mean exactly. Are you saying they’re not older than 20 therefore they are wrong and shouldn’t be considered? That if one is not older than 20 then they don’t have valuable contribution to add to a discussion, or that they can’t make any valid point? Honestly now I am wondering if you’re even older than 20, who would even make a comment the way you did talking about someones age like that to try and invalidate them, seems like something a kid would do, so.

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I used to be 20. I know how irrational and emotional people get at that age.

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I used to be as well. But I’m not sure if people get less irrational or less emotional with age (maybe more defeated or accepting of certain things, less prone to certain outbursts, but people are still people no matter the age, that doesn’t change, you can be young or old irrationality and emotion will always be a part of this life experience). That’s why I was asking you about it like, what is it that made you write your comment? Because your comment is, by my measure at least, emotional, even if you deny it, I don’t think it can be denied based on what you wrote it’s emotional, “refuse” is an emotional word, so is “believe” and then to bring age into it like that is some sort of thing to go by? Now like you said, it is something to go by, people younger than 20 do “tend” to be more irrational, emotional, etc, the brain hasn’t stopped growing/maturing, etc whatever. And of course we see it in actions too, like during puberty things get all wonky, of course. But you gotta be better than the comment you wrote, u know? Why did u have to bring age and emotion into it, also using it as some sort of slight or insult, it really made me wonder whether you were older than 20 yourself. But I’m glad you are, that means you’ll understand all I’ve written here, and idk…either take something from it or not, I don’t really care which at this point idk what I’m even writing right now if I’m being honest, please help the machines have captured me send help oh god oh no they found out nothing to see here move along citizen

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