same problem in ps5
if i connect to internet d2 will crash and i doesn’t matter what i do , after just 5 second after connecting it will crash -_-
same on Xbox one unplayable
Same thing happened to me on PS4 Pro.
I log on my offline Paladin that made to act1 NM and right after i click on anything it pop error with code CE-34878-0.
My game is updated and my system on the ps4 is updated too.
Even did ps4 database reconstruction and it said that one of my save-files is corrupted… i rly don’t wana delete my 30lvl pala cuz of this… Why there is no mod/admin who can reply and give us some future information at least to tell is ,if they work on to fix this or something …i rly don’t wanna ask for refund cuz i am fan since 2001 and i want to enjoy it again… but this is unplayable right now…
@ filthierich Hello?
@ Drakuloth
Didn’t the unbind fix work for you?
How to do it ?
I saw some tutorials but nothing essential?
Bind the skill you have on the interact button to something else. The interact button should be unbound. Then the crashes should be gone.
You mean my X button need to be empty,so i can use it to loot and talk only?
Yes exactly. This has solved it for a lot of people.
Later will try this too.But i have some feeling that if the save game is already corrupted it wont fix it… but tnx alot for the info.Will deff reply if this worked!
Why do you think the save would be corrupt?
After i made database reconstruction on the ps4 (holding the start button of the console to beep twice) it said that i have corrupted savegame and it replaced it with good one,but the problem still exist.I remember now i have aura on X so i don’t use the attack on it, but seems i need to not put anything on all my heroes on X to be fine… will test it later and will reply soon!!!
ps: If the problem is the X - interact button,better they patch this and remove the X from the bind option forever lol…
Hehe yeah, using X as a button only comes in the way when looting etc, should not be bindable.
That’s straight up the fix guys. Don’t bind anything to the interact button when using a Pally. Haven’t had any problems since.
Tried the game after unbinding it . My interact button is circle. However my game crashes on ancients . I am using a fissure druid . Anyone has the same issue ?
As i said above,i will update about the unbind button,and it worked just 200% FINE!
Now i can farm everything and have no crashes and game just run fine!(Played last night like 5 -6 hrs no crashes or bugs)
PS: When you unbind the X button on ps4,make sure you unbind L2 + X too,where the town portal stays.Also when you make (or if you have) other chars,make sure to unbind them too,or it will crash your game again cuz of the shared inventory i assume(this is how they are all linked together somehow)
So unbind attack from the X button?
Worked perfectly. Tks!
Doesn’t matter what class or act really. I primarily play a Sorceress, and it’s happened in every act during low activity in town, busy areas with lots of monsters, and everywhere inbetween.
The Playstation versions have been unstable since launch. Even in Performance Mode on PS5.
Also, the game crashes regardless of whether I use X for another action besides interact.
I tried unbinding Static Field from X, and left that button without an assigned skill. Still randomly crashed when I entered my TP to Hellforge in Act 4. I’d already cleared it out previously so there was no enemies left, and I was playing solo.
So it’s not like I’m crashing during times of busy combat or anything.
P.S. Hopefully this patch eliminates the crashes on consoles as it did for PC.
The unbinding solution worked for me as well (a pally on PS4). As someone else mentioned, it started right after I picked up the Scroll of Inifuss.