PS4 Cow level crush on Lightning fury strike

It happens pretty often. A crash in the monent lightning fury strikes cows. Most of the cases happen near those wood fences where a cow king spawns. But it also happened in a far other point of the map, but only few times of that many during this week. Really tired farming that eth infinity base…
First i thought that it’s a rapid spamming of lightning fury does the cause. But i stopped doing that, each time waiting the bolts do the job and dissapear, not casting the next one until the previous totally ends, but it still crushes.


Bump. Have had the same issue. Would really like a fix.

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April 2024, the problem is relevant. After Lightning Fury the game crashes. Not only in the “Cow Level”.

2025 and the problem persists, I am simply unable to play with this build because of this.

And I will go further, it is not only at Cow Level that this problem occurs, reinforcing what the person above said, it can AND WILL happen at any time.

I’ll keep this post highlighted until they resolve the game’s optimization.

UP !!!