Price Check LLD for few jools

Hey folks…
i usually play solo self found sort of game on battle net, and have little to no knowledge on what’s worth in pvp especialy the LLD ones, found stuff below and I’m wondering if it’s all charsi food or does it have some worth…

Magic jools:
req lvl 9; 19ED; 3dex ( white)
req lvl 9; 19 ED (red)
req lvl 9; 19ED (amarant)
req lvl 9; 18ED ( green)
req lvl 9; 16ED (yellow)
req lvl 9; 15 ED (amarant)
req lvl 9; 14ED 20psn@2sec (yelow)

rare jools:
req lvl 12 20ED 33AR 18stam (blue)

i know theese look trash, but the level req on theese are extremely low, and cooley said 19% ed is max for req lvl 9 in topic about judging worth of items, so thats why i’m asking…

I’m not expecting pelthora of jahs in worth, just if it’s worth something for someone please say it…

game mode is SCNL… region europe

20 ed is max and u need ed+maxdam or something else

this is lvl 12 cauz of the 18 stamina

So gentlemen? are those charsi food or do they have some worth?

I’m trying to dispose of them, and likely I will charsi them unless they actually have some value for someone, however if they’re not worth even a lem or pul, i’ll just charsi them…

I’m asking for the value, as i have no knowledge on it…

charsi them all