Post here to request blizzard /players8 on bnet

The question is, when? I ask bc its certain that it will come

It will not so never. They already told us in last 2.4 panel with MrLama, devs dont want /playerx X online. End of story.


We can always write another page in this book

You can write how many books you want. It doesnt change the fact that dev team doesnt like the idea.

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Im here to convince them to like

the author is one of the few who cannot understand that Diablo 2 online is a community game. if you want to play with your console team, go play single player. And this is online, where people, in order to increase their chances of a drop, must unite in gangs and communicate with each other to achieve certain goals. So that people communicate in the game and not be closed. This was the ideology of the creators. P.S.: the author should first study the rules for creating topics here, so as not to be a violator. P.S.S.: with all due respect to the author and those who support his prejudices.

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I tend to agree because I play SSF Online and do not play with others. I play online because I play on Console and PC and need my characters available wherever I play. However, I’ve ran into so many walls because SSF in single player gets punished because they don’t play with others. Fortunately, I enjoy playing all characters. So, when things got hard I switched to another character and started leveling them. And I found some cool stuff along the way to help me progress a little further. Now I have 5 of 7 characters in Hell Act 1, but still need better gear for my Merc to get past that. And, leveling up in Act 1 Hell in single player it like eating a can of peas with a tooth pick… If I could /players2 or 3 the XP gain and farming options would be most helpful.

Yes please! But only for non-ladder.

yes we need this badly.

no we dont need it !

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Bah, another one of these threads to mute… A 2x necroed one at that.

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I want /playersX command in my privately made online games. At game creation and in settings.

Diablo 2 has always been a solo game at its core with the multiplayer aspects coming in via pvp and trading. Let me farm online solo at pX. I shouldn’t have to sabotage public games to farm optimally.

Or make the no drop chance on kill 0% (I.e always drop an item). Thats all pX changes anyways.

Give me a difficulty slider setting at game creation that significantly increases difficulty/reward/exp and cannot be soloed by any build on the top settings.

Look, I don’t know what’s your problem. I never tried to shut down anybody’s thread or advertise my own. I was just pointing them in the correct direction because they were never going to implement /players x online.

Don’t need the hassle lol. It’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun and simple. It should not require jsp/discord or whatever to play well.

it doesnt anyway, but you can find ppl to play with IF you want, like in every single game. If they add player command on bnet 99% of games will be solo/closed cause you can farm solo as 8 players, it sucks imo. I hope they NEVER add this, it will destroy the game. Find players to play with, make friends, be social, you can find ppl to share loot with, to cap something IF it drops before it drops so it will be yours, my team does that as well and is fine.

How about they introduce /players x cheat code on Battlenet, but all loot that you farm while using the code is account bound and cannot be traded.

You can only trade the items and runes you farmed in solo or multiplayer games when you don’t use the cheat code.

I think it’s the best solution for everybody, don’t you agree? Economy won’t be affected as much, botters won’t be able to take advantage etc…

You dont have to, just joing MF split games. Its your decision to sabotage games.

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This game is already socially destroyed imo

Enjoying this game at its full potential shouldnt require other players, this is totally bad game design

I dont, ssf is a completely different thing that should be implemented

The economy adapts and if they nerf lk adding /8 wouldnt be much of a change for the market, the only change i can see is those tc85+ becoming more expensive/rarer

Bots are a problem of their own and have nothing to do with how legit players enjoy the game

There is still issue with leveling. I think it would push more people to play private games.

But what’s wrong? Why is there a problem for the items and runes that you loot while using the cheat code not to be tradable? You can still trade the items that you farm in normal games(solo without code and multiplayer), but are allowed to use the items and runewords that you farmed while using the code, just not trade them.

You get your wish…you can farm LK chests for ten days and get all your HRs and runewords…you can use them in any game…but just can’t trade them.

It seems to me the perfect compromise.

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