What i think about survey :
We dont ask garbage collector to tell us their opinion about general relativity.
They benefit from it, but let physician do what they know.
So, casuals, let older player and purists do what is healthy for the game.
Do your baalruns, collect your Tal Rasha set, and play the game.
We don’t need your useless QoL which will break the game as we know it. With major changes that you can’t understand properly.
If they are sane enough they will ship the game as it is now and make the DLC with more changes and new content after that. So the no change crowd can have their wet dreams while others can move to a more modern and maybe better game.
That is the worst excuse I ever read as an argument pro ploot.
Until now I was undecided - but now Iam absolutly against ploot.
You basicly stated that all the loot belongs to you and that you need ploot cause you are to slow to click the item on the ground.
Infact ploot would harm several aspects of the game.
The groupplay:
Until now you have some games where you have chars leveling that are mfchars. Thanks to them you have better loot in the group. With ploot I would never take my mfchars to level in public game - why should I and I guess I would not be alone? The party get an advantage from my mf, but maybe the sweet, juicy and valuable item drops for a other player and I dont have the chance to get it.
So more player would just play in password protected lobbies.
The balancing:
Until now, every plootsuggestion would need an buttload of changes and balancing to the code and the game. I would rather see this workload went into something interesting for this game - like addons, new runewords, and so on.
The dropchances:
When you have ploot I would be harder to get an specific item. If you dont have better dropchances wich would result in overall more valuable loot your chance on specific items would be worse.
Lets say you have Item X with a chance of 2% dropping. But your now in an eight player game. With ploot it get allocated to a random player from the party, wich translate to an effective 0,25% for somebody to get it. I prefer FFA to have at least the “chance” to grab it. Still would be higher than 0,25%.
Overall this would lead us to more password games and less open games I guess.
Until now I cant see any advantage from ploot over ffa.
The devs could so much other, much better stuff for the game with the workload that would needed for ploot.
Sorry for my bad english - its not my motherlanguage.
I said this after, I don’t give a damn if they add loot distribution or not, I’m not into multiplayer in case of this game. Loot allocation is now standard on other games, even local loot among other things.
Without loot allocation or local loot the multiplayer is not viable choice for getting items, I don’t care how much you want to make me believe that you will share items that you don’t need. You still can trade even with local loot, not that this game is trade friendly anyway, I would prefer auction house, automated without the need to spam trade offers in chat or searching them on external sites/forums. Everything about trade is half baked at best, they could even skip adding trade window cause you always can make private game and just throw stuff on the ground, unless you trade with random unknown person.
The game far from perfect and in some cases even far from good.
These are not the same thing. For example, D3 has had personal loot since release. At release and for awhile thereafter, all items were tradeable and there was even two auction houses to facilitate trade. Can you explain to me why you think items were soul boun beack then if they were tradeable.
If you need a quick primer on loot nomenclature., pleas e see:
like been said many times before. everyone that asking ploot just wants free loot without effort…as they could play passworded game for ploot but no…it’s not good then we would need to do something…instead they want just like in D3…loot without having to work for it in multiplayer
IF you think d3 is not a failrure and so good why are you on d2r forums and not playing d3. Fighting over every possible small detail you choose to debate over because you see a chance for it to support your opinion doesnt make your opinion any more correct. Go play d3 if you think its not a failure and its good game and stop posting here.
Horrible loot system that had bad legendaries raining from the sky.
im sorry but thats what happens with stackable runes and gems for example, not in the sense that they drop more often but because they are picked up way more often, the end result is similar.
post-launch power creep.
Im sorry again but thats what charm inventory will do for example. Everyone will default to have an inventory full of charms whereas before it has been only ppl pvping or people that do not want to pick up loot because they have everything already (read as in 99% of players playing in regular games since pvp most of the time happens in specific) games)
No lobbies, no trading and soulbound items
Ploot contributes to this, the trashbags who cant loot for themselves in FFA enviroment will get more of the items they need by them being allocated to them->less trading. Splitting players between two different lobbies also objectively limits the lobby options for anyone who isnt ok with BOTH lobby options. While items dont become actually soulbound with ploot, it has similar effect in the sense people will get allocated items that they have no idea of the value of more often since usually the players who are able to get good amount of loot are seasoned players and know values of items better. This results in more items be in bottom of stash unused forever or vendored. Causing a soulbound type effect where items that should enter economy are not entering economy.
So yes, i completely agree with “As long as these specific changes don’t come to D2:R. There is no chance itll suddenly morph into D3 just because of personal loot.”
The thing is these are the D3 features you are actually PARTLY bringing in, apparently you just not realizing it. Time to take a deep breath and look outside your tunnelvision.
Delusional nonsense. Stacking ANY items will not have the same effect as bad legendary items raining from the sky. Thats a cosmic leap to try to conflate them. Entire loot system /= stacking items. lol. smh.
No, it won’t. Charm inventory would work so only charms within the inventory would activate. meaning you’d actually be able to use less charms overall, so if anything it would be a nerf.
no, it won’t. Ploot will still have the same amount of items flow into the economy and the drops are so rare in D2 that no one will be able to gear themselves simply by joining baal runs, ESPECIALLY with getting 1/8th the loot. Nobody gears that way, never did and never will, ploot or not.
Again, none of the changes suggested by anyone “turns D2 into D3”. Not even a little. Thats literally unfounded fear mongering nonsense by the no-changes crowd.
Yeah I’m not sure how a third party site could agro that information without Blizzard releasing it through a portal; it isn’t like steamspy were a bot could crawl through profiles. Regardless that number is still higher then D2’s CCU
That’s your opinion and most of us have already solved this problem by suggesting Blizzard creating two different realms; one with legacy gameplay and one with QoL fixes.