Ploot = Diablo 3 outcome

People are not talking about D3 ploot, but rather something like Short Allocation in PoE.
And yes, PoE got more players than D2 if you want to make meaningless player base comparisons.
Heck, D3 seems to have more players than D2… which most certainly does not mean D3 is a better game than D2. Quality and popularity do not go hand in hand.

Sorry, but that site is useless. People are linking it from time to time, and once I checked how many players it claimed Rocket League had. A game with an in-game counter on current players! The site was off by a factor 10!

As far as I recall it try to measure internet traffic. However, it basically has no idea.
It might be accurate for some games, but we just cant know which ones.

This is nonsense.
D3 is a bad game. Its Personal Loot is also bad. But the main reasons D3 is bad does not even remotely include its personal loot.
It has so many problems that it would be a waste of time to even start listing them.

Anyway, if player count rules supreme, I guess Blizzard has to add Short Allocation to the game, since that must be the reason PoE is so much more popular than D2! :partying_face:

Indeed. so we agree you cant make any kind of conclusion that D3 is dead because of Personal Loot?

Quoted for truth.

Everyone who want “Personal loot”, could we please agree to stop calling it personal loot and call it Short Allocation or Timed Allocation?
Some people are really triggered by the PL name.

Maybe it doesn’t? It simply happens to also have Short Allocation loot.