Please revert nerf (stacking bugfix) to firewall/ blaze

in season i think… 3? firewall was nerfed to no longer stack
this bug unique to D2:R finally made firewall and blaze not only viable, but decent, and a fun new alternative to the common sorc builds.

shortly after this bug was fixed… you introduced mosaic.
now… if u wanted to argue that firewall became too op when stacking…
u kind lost a leg to stand on when u introduced mosaic.

which dont get me wrong… mosiac is extremely fun…
but it IS too strong. and WAY stronger than stacking firewalls on cooldown.

i can understand if your concerned about sever stability of incentivizing stacking this like this… and i know in LOD these skills absolutely lagged the severs like bonewall did.

and that maybe thats the issue you were trying to address… but then in that case… just say so… … say your concerned about people spamming meteor/ blaze and lagging the server too much and thats why u patched it top not stack.

becuase it was SOO MUCH MORE FUN when it stacked.

as if you servers can handle it… then we deserve it back

I enjoyed the short firewall meta. :slight_smile:

As you said, it was a bug. Asking them to revert bug fixes is very unreasonable.
And as for Mosaic, it’s a mistake, and it would be better to fix that mistake than to base any argument on its power.
I am not saying firewall couldn’t benefit from a buff. Just that asking for a bug patch reversion is unreasonable.

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HDin is mistake too???

I didn’t play for the first year d2r or so (and lod after 2005). So can you elaborate?
I am/was under the asumption that FW stacked in LoD - is that wrong?

it was indeed a bug, but it made the game better.

just because an interaction is unintentional, if everyone loves it, why would you remove it?

no firewall did not stack, you could not place a firewall under another firewall and have them both deal damage for the duration of the overlap.

the bug allowed u to do this,

I agree, another way to way more builds viable. The FW stacking ‘bug’, imho is not a bug and should be a feature. I believe D1 and D2 og did that. Please revert.

There is another 20 awesome unpowered skills that should be buffed to be maybe not comparable, but half lvl of BHammer Blizzard or BSpear.

Fire Wall still stacks, they just fixed the issue that made the stacking deal increased damage.

  • Fixed an issue where overlapping Fire Wall or Blaze missiles could cause increased damage

Here’s a video I just made, you can see that the additional Fire Walls past the first increase the damage rate and then decreases as they expire.

The only modifications I did was change the zombies AI to idle so that it doesn’t move and increased its life regen so I didn’t have to wait as long for it to heal between Fire Walls (monsters don’t regen in Fire Wall since it does damage every frame, they don’t heal in any frame that they take damage).

I agree with Johnson though, asking them to “unfix” a bug isn’t the way to go and they’ll never do that. Just ask them to increase the damage instead, that’s much simpler.


wait are u saying on the current patch it still stacks?

thats all i asked for thats awesome!

omg i just tested it! it stiull does! AWESOME!!!


That’s an entirely different story now. Thanks man.

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Of course it stacks, same for Blaze.

Using Blaze on a Baalrun is in fact amazing. The waves instantly die after being summoned (at least in a small players game).

well i found another change that nerfs firewall now that my firewall does 20k

monsters arn’t getting knocked into fhr when they hit the firewall anymore.
they run straight through it, meaning they take way less damage… and they wont get stunned for half a second while they are standing in said firewall…

That’s not a change, Fire Wall can never put anything into hit recovery even when stunned with swirlies (which would normally cause any damage to put a player or monster into hit recovery regardless of the size of their life pool, 1 damage is sufficient). Just tested it to be true in 1.13 LoD in both PvM and PvP.

You can see it in missiles.txt, there’s a column called “GetHit” (that’s the technical name of hit recovery, gethit animation) and missiles that can put stuff into hit recovery have it set to 1, missiles that can’t put stuff into hit recovery have it set to blank (same as 0). Fire Wall and Blaze have it blank so they can’t FHR stuff.

Bugs that should be features:

Str bug
eth armor cube bug
firewall bug
shockwave bug

what are the first and the fourth one?

items with str/dex can hold themselves

werebear shockwave synergy stacked the damage amplification.

Not convinced about the other ones, but yes, items that give a bonus to strength and/or dexterity should definitely include their own bonuses to determine whether they can be held or not. This should not be limited to when they are already being worn, though.

oh that.
I htink it’s good that it isn’t a feature.

I hadn’t been aware of that. :smiley:

DIsagree. You need the requirement in order to equip it. Before you’re wearing it, the magic can’t do the job.

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Why not set up a firewall then freeze enemies in it with 1pt Glacial spike? :>

Or cast Firewall to the immediate left/right of you and kite enemies along the length of the firewall.