This is one thing that D3 on console did masterfully. Highlight the enemy being attacked and display the health bar at the top of the screen, in middle. Not floating over their head. It’s ridiculous. At least give us the option to turn it off.


I bought the game on PS5 and was immediately turned off by the giant health bars on top of enemy heads that also contain the enemy name label. There should be an option to turn these bars/labels off.

These bars don’t appear on PC version screenshots or videos I’ve seen. More importantly, it kills the immersion as they are larger than the enemies they hang over, are jittery as they abruptly shift from enemy to enemy and even give away enemies that are off screen, hidden in shadows. The enemy name label in the health bars are also redundant to the same enemy name labels that appear on top of the screen.


Same heree. Please Blizzard, allow us to remove those horrible health bars

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I like them for immunes. So I can see where I’m at on killing them. Maybe just a way to toggle them off.

I mean, does every single microscopic thing need to change from 20 years ago? D3 wouldnt exist in the first place anyway :smirk:

Check your facts. The PC version doesn’t have the giant health bars above enemy heads the console versions do. So what’s your point?

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Agreed give us option to turn it off. Perhaps it will improve performance on (slow poke switch) console.

My point 5 months later, Mr. 2 posts?? Don’t give a hoot about PC or the stupid health bars. No one’s gonna see this junk on here anyways, go back to general.

My point 5 months later, Mr. 2 posts?? No one’s gonna see this junk on here anyways, go back to general.

So why are you posting here then? When enemy health bars are larger than some of the monsters and cover them up and also constantly jumping around the screen, that’s a problem. What does it matter how many posts a user has made, you think your opinion is more valid because you have posted more posts? No one is impressed.

The Pc version has them also, but only when using a controller. Seems to be tied to controller gameplay.
When I click the mouse. The screen freezes for half a second and the UI switches to showing health bars at top of screen only.

Why are you all still responding?
Do you all not look at dates?
This thread is over a year old.
(And I’d actually like immunities changed from symbols to actual text, but yeah, NOT HAPPENING)

Seems we just have to deal with these minor visual inconveniences.

Ya… d4’s about to release on consoles with all its bugs and blue screens that’ll never get fixed, enjoy! :v: