Hi, please, implement these improvements before 2.4 release guys:
In Bul-Kathos, you must delete knockback from the big sword, it makes it unusable, you can’t use Frenzy with this two sword set (the main purpose of a two sword set) just because it does knockback on enemies, and it makes very slow to kill them. Also, the swords have low damage for hell, damage must be increased, or speed must be increased. Now its unusable in hell.
In amazon, multiple shot needs some adjustments, nearly no one is using it. Please, remove the 1/4 damage reduction like you did in Strafe. Now multiple shot amazons are extremely unused and everyone is using strafe or other skills. You improved strafe but forgot to improve multiple shot. Also, only two of the arrows get adds from crushing blow, knockback, etc… please solve that, every arrow must get the adds (like in strafe) to make this skill again used. Another possible correction will be reduce mana use. And another will be to give damage bonus like in strafe, up to 100%. Then, using multiple shot amazon will be again enjoyable in all difficulties. Also, immolation arrow haves also problems, no one is using it, and probably no one will use it with your minor changes. Please, remove or reduce the casting delay, it is too much high. Another extra is that amazon haves very low resistances in hell, but this is more hard to solve i think.
Thank you guys.