Please blizzard solve Bul-Kathos set problem and improve amazon bow skills issues in 2.4 patch

Hi, please, implement these improvements before 2.4 release guys:

In Bul-Kathos, you must delete knockback from the big sword, it makes it unusable, you can’t use Frenzy with this two sword set (the main purpose of a two sword set) just because it does knockback on enemies, and it makes very slow to kill them. Also, the swords have low damage for hell, damage must be increased, or speed must be increased. Now its unusable in hell.

In amazon, multiple shot needs some adjustments, nearly no one is using it. Please, remove the 1/4 damage reduction like you did in Strafe. Now multiple shot amazons are extremely unused and everyone is using strafe or other skills. You improved strafe but forgot to improve multiple shot. Also, only two of the arrows get adds from crushing blow, knockback, etc… please solve that, every arrow must get the adds (like in strafe) to make this skill again used. Another possible correction will be reduce mana use. And another will be to give damage bonus like in strafe, up to 100%. Then, using multiple shot amazon will be again enjoyable in all difficulties. Also, immolation arrow haves also problems, no one is using it, and probably no one will use it with your minor changes. Please, remove or reduce the casting delay, it is too much high. Another extra is that amazon haves very low resistances in hell, but this is more hard to solve i think.

Thank you guys.

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If multishot had a chance to do procs per arrow, say 1% per multishot skill point, I think that would about do it. The “only middle two arrows proc” rule makes things like knockback and Atma’s Scarab underwhelming with Multishot.

Pretty much the problem with every weapon in the game until grief.

yep, but these swords have also the knockback problem, they must solve it

I agree with the knockback removal.

Exactly how many people did you poll that didn’t use multi shot on a physical bowzon?

I have tested it in the end game, both in a crappy geared bowzon (150% buriza, duriel’s shell, tal helment, no raven frost even, very few charms, no highlords no nothing) and in a well geared one (faith GMB, fortitude, highlords, decent inventory, raven frost, etc).

It is still better than strafe. Partially because strafe’s attack rating bonus doesn’t work, but also just because it’s a much bigger AOE.

Multi shot is great and does not need a buff

Also as a general advice, please don’t make topics about 2 things at the same time. They’re hard to follow and certainly won’t help developers keep track of the requests.

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Support 100% to remove knockback from this set!

If you do ALL of that, …nobody will be using Strafe lol.

That will be my first Strafe-Zon like…ever. Not Multi alone needs a buff, the entire bow skill tree does. I do not even know if the AR bug of elemental arrows was actually fixed. In vanilla it did not actually work although the display told you the AR% increase.

The elemental damage of the bow skills is SO bad, even a sorc with 50 skill points in total will complete wreck you.

It was, see my post in the bug report forum regarding strafe - it has video proof. Only the strafe does not get the attack rating.

It would be fair to compare Freezing arrow to Glacial Spike. Very similar effect.

Freezing Arrow has bigger base damage and higher synergy power. It has bigger AoE (3.3 vs 2.6 yards), applies on hit effects and pierces, and is a bit easier to cast at max speed.

On the other hand, Glacial Spike gets benefit from piercing cold resistance. I’d say equalizes the points for piercing attack (one gets more AoE, other gets more damage in certain scenarios).

I’d say that Freezing Arrow is like an improved version of the Glacial Spike, which makes it a great spell.

IMO one small downside of it is shorter freeze length, and the odd weak synergy from ice arrow. Shoving 20 points into Ice Arrow increases the freeze length from 0.5 seconds to 1 seconds on hell… which is quite pathetic.

Immolation and Explosion Arrows cannot quite catch up to fire ball though… but IMO, that’s just fireball being too strong

Cannot quite catch up with fireball?
Go online and play fire bow skill.

Not quite yet???

Fireball sorc plays players8, fire Bow ama can hardly play at P1.

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solve this blizzard plz

Blizzard, please listen to this feedback.

thank you CharlesJT.

I would enjoy the Bul-Kathos set if they just removed knockback. Simple fix, please make it happen.

i whould use it, no doubt

Bul kathos definitely needs more damage to see use. It’s pretty disappointing to find both rare weapons but they’re much worse than an oath.


In regards to multiple shot, most amazons use it, so I’m not sure what you’re playing or watching. Too much PD2 for you. Strafe was always the dominant skill, people just had no idea what they were doing when building around it. Now, the damage is up and is still not quite as strong as it needs to be, but the problem is increasing it further makes their life leech uncontrollably strong, in virtually every scenario. I was already able to stand in the middle of all 3 ubers on players 8, and tank all 3 of them without ever dying with strafe prior to PTR. Now, I could put tape on my mouse and do it and not even carry potions for emergencies, or even be at the computer at all, because the 25% increase of damage skyrocketed our life leech values.

As far as the crushing blow with multishot, no. That would be too strong. WAY too strong. I do think though that the 50% decrease on CB to projectiles should be re-evaluated, and probably reduced to a 25% decrease. I think this would be far more reasonable. A 50% decrease to CB makes boss killing miserable.

Multishot was 25% damage reduced during the introduction of LOD or some time in that area, because multishot was so overused for PVP that people got frustrated, but I think the developers forgot to consider that multishot was only ever so strong in the first place, because PVP was taking place back then, during a time when hacked items ran rampant on bnet, and people had white rings, and a white bow, with a level 76 multishot, and there was no arrow caps on arrows back then. Then we ushered in the cap on arrows, as well as the damage reduction, but then over time, hacked items were removed, and we were just left with a shell of a once-cool character that was nerfed because they were too strong during the hacking days. An odd phenomena. It is safe to say, that multishot can be restored to its previous state as I have suggested before many of times, without breaking anything, but do not change CB to multishot, as this would be too strong, because along with that change would also come the change to proccing things like curses on striking. Witchwild/Atmas on switch with multishot would then be the nuttiest thing in the game.

Immo has problems. I usually have suggestions to fix it, but for this one I don’t, because it’s such an awkward skill as is.

Low resistances in hell is simply untrue. It either means you’re using gear that’s not resist friendly, or you made the mistake of building your character with damage charms instead of resist charms. That’s a tradeoff, and it’s on purpose. Achieving perfect of all stats is not what you want to ever happen, or you end up with a single perfect killing machine. We already have sorcs and pallies who are far too overpowered for that. Decisions need to have some form of consequences.

Oath also has increased attack speed. Assuming you make it in an ethereal sword… this two sword set does not stand a chance in comparison. Not even when considering the crushing blow the set has when playing in P1 difficulty (I think CB is pretty useless in crowded games, but then again… so are most melee characters).

This set should have a massive damage and speed boost added to the set bonus from using both swords.

The knockback? I have mixed feelings on that idea. Using knockback and “causes target to flee” modifiers can actually net decent survivability boosts for melee characters in certain situations (playing alone)… It can be useful as well as annoying. :man_shrugging:

keep the Knockback on it…its nice

but i would be for an additionnal 20% ias on it(so can add a Shael in it for the 2 frames per attack per swords

btw did you know that BK Sword is busted in pvp if paired to Doom ?
stunlock in KB animation…technicly Cleglaw Gloves are also an option

kb is a shame on this set, and multishot needs to be improved

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Agreed, knockback on this set is just bad as a melee fighter, and should take 5 minutes to correct.