Please add cursor to consoles!

This is a point and click game! Its super frustrating trying to pick up an item or open a chest or stash when a enemy is near. You target the enemy 99% of the time can not open stash or pick up item until all enemys are dead on screen. Say im low on health/mana / no potions im almost dead enemys everwhere and potions everywhere on the ground… too bad i cant pick them up because i cant select the damn thing! Please blizzard add the cursor to consoles so i can point and click on exactly what i want to target. This would also more accurately help with spell casting. Instead of this general area blanket cast. Can we get some people to help with this? Who do i need to talk to?

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Sounds like a nice idea, but you’re better off going back to the original D2Lod from 2001 on pc and not waste your time anymore on this fraudulent product current blizzard hates their fan base cause they assume 99% of them are hacking botting and selling items

Been asking for this since launch, the game is unplayable as is. Aka the game has been unplayable on console since launch and at this point I really doubt they will ever fix it.