Player killer Harassement

It doesnt matter how you call it. Its allowed,period.

Dude stop crying. Make password games or try to kill pk with group together. Are you seriously complaining about being pked in softcore?


No dudeā€¦itā€™s called role-playing.
Sanctuary should be a merciless place without principles.
Instead of applauding the fact that the game allows you to role-play as a villain, you come out here crying about needing a safe-space. How many games still offer this freedom to play the game as you choose!?
Entitlement, the plague of a generation.


Hire a bounty hunter from Trade forum.

Dont put any btag or whatever btw. Just list your ad, the guild will contact you.

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lol, such a troll thread

the snowflake pretenders

Game mechanics are not harassment sorry.

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people go hostile on purpose in 1 out of 1000 to 20000 games would be my guessā€¦ in that situation everybody just moves on

this thread is clearly a joke

Whales spend money on gear to do nothing but harass players. They donā€™t want a fair fight. Your objection will be thrown in the trash because there is huge money in pk land. I like to lurk in games that are ripe with griefers and kill them. Because what they do is wrong and Blizzard has no incentive to fix it.

Why not think of PKers as a random super boss entering the game that comes to you rather than you to it?

Start gearing for their potential arrival.

Lol, Lmao even


I donā€™t think it matters on WoW anymore since there are no more pvp servers. You just turn ā€œWarmodeā€ on. So if you get camped then turn it off and either continue doing what you are doing unflagged or if you need to be pvp then go to a new area. The thing WoW will take action on (usually anyways) if people are killing quest givers over and over again preventing people from being able to turn in a quest or getting a quest (although not sure if this still can be done).

D2 there absolutely should be no penalty to this behavior. It is so easy to avoid by creating a new game or creating a password game. Not saying the people doing this is right, but it is a lot easier to avoid vs an mmo pvper doing this.

Nah WoW used to allow you to kill quest givers. I used to spend 15-20 hours a week just ganking in the Barrens/Durotar and killing NPCs, at least 1/3 of that was that one escort quest that went to Ratchet. I just chill like 30 seconds from the end of the quest and Ambush the escort npc over and over trying to lure someone out to fight for a while.

This was during Vanilla-Wrathā€¦ then again on the classic relaunch Vanilla-TBC. Played Horde on the relaunch though, so mostly ganked out in Redridgeā€¦ also spent a good bit of time in Arathi/Badlands though around the Ele camps, mostly as a priest/warrior duo.

No. PvP in games that have it, including corpse camping, killing NPCs, etc. is not against the rules. PvP issues have a PvP solution. Call friends, turn off the mode, password the game and/or set the level requirement.

Common Problems

  • A player is camping me
  • Keep being ganked and canā€™t play the game at all
  • A player of the opposite faction is killing NPCs

The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.

Going hostile in a game is part of the gameplay mechanics in D2/R. It is NOT against the rules, no matter how many times they kill you or how annoying it is. You can avoid PvP by playing solo, setting a level requirement on your game, or putting a password on your game.


Oh I thought I saw an exchange about bans for aggressive camping as it went into harassment as opposed to just camping.

Have no clue where I saw it so it doesnt matter much.

Iā€™ve never had PK issues but I can feel where people are coming from, just takes one antisocial person to ruin many peopleā€™s days.

NM it was this I was thinking of:

ā€œReddit - Dive into anythingā€

Itā€™s a reddit post about some ban so not a direct source just a screenshot of a small interaction.

i think it is important to realize that in our society/cultureā€™s attempt to mitigate real world conflict and ā€œcivilizeā€ people through games (hence to some degree of why we are all here, because at the end of the day we are all ā€œgetting somethingā€ out of what used to be built into us on a survival level ā€¦ hunting, going to war, etc.) that some games, like d2 are built with that kind of outlet in mind, but also, as has been already mentioned, you can easily avoid the situations you are frustrated with through simple in-game mechanics ā€¦ iā€™m not saying you have to agree with the design intentions or anything, iā€™m just trying to offer a bit of quasi-philosophical perspective ā€¦ i would hope you can still find a way to enjoy the game you would prefer to play it ā€¦ but pub games are still pub games and by playing in them you open yourself up to griefing ā€¦ so you can either prepare for it and try to best the griefers, or you can work around it in the ways that have already been mentioned ā€¦ if you just want to find a good group to party with, i suggest find a popular streamer like mrllamaā€™s discord and getting together with a group that can help you advance without having to worry about griefing/pvp

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Option B is always to have a PvP character on the side, and have it read to dip out and rejoin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it just come from being a part of the EQ generation, but I rather got used to long ago realizing that sometimes you canā€™t do the exact thing you want to do at the moment, because someone else is doing the thing they want to do.

Back before everyone got their own private dungeons, and no one ever talked to each other againā€¦

Pvp without consent is herassment.


by clicking on ā€œbuyā€ you consented


Your notion of consent is worrisome.


You join my game you die. I join a game you are in you die. Only safe bet is uninstall.

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PvP WITH consent is a pillow fight. And if Iā€™m going to watch a pillow fightā€¦ itā€™s not going to be any of yall thatā€™s for sure.

Jokes aside you consent the moment you join a public game at higher than level 8. I mean do you think people on PubG arenā€™t going to shoot you have to just tell them ā€œI donā€™t consent!ā€ PvP games arenā€™t ā€œsafe spaces.ā€ Those only exist inside companies that never finish products, and over your mommas garage.

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