Plague Javelin Stacking

It’s probably been asked before, but I can’t seem to find a definitive answer.
If I throw a plague javelin at a single monster (not worried about AOE here). Wait for the cool down, and then throw another plague javelin at the same monster will the poison damage stack?
For example if I’m fighting a boss, can I spam plague javelin and do more damage quicker, or am I just wasting my time? Should I throw one, wait for it to wear off, then throw another?

Excellent question, i would see an answer as well.


but poison charms and items and venom do add to the poison damage of the clouds.

if something is hit a second time by poison javelin cloud when already under the effect, it will just reset the duration, the damage per second remains the same.

Now to be thorough, Poison damage from different sources competes rather than stacks, so only the source with the highest DPS gets applied. So if you poison jav something that is already under the effect of say poison dagger, whichever effect has the highest Damage per second takes over.