Petition for console lobby/server list

signed again,plz fix the multiplayer im like begging you now blizzard ,geez


We need Lobbies to have a real Multiplayer on console. without Lobbies it wouldn’t be possible to be on the top ladder ranks. And lobbies will help to trade. this is an essentiell part of diablo 2


Поддерживаю, лобби нужны.

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Give us lobbies! 20 characters

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Yes yes yes. A million times yes. Signed. A million times.

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Signed. This needs to happen.

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I will sign this every single time until it gets done.



So I’ve been watching this conversation since October and have refused to buy the game until lobby’s were implemented.

We are now in the month of December and there hasn’t been a peep on the topic from the fine folks at blizzard since that faithful September 7Th post.

This saddens me to no end. I want to buy a copy for my PS5 and Series X and have fun. But won’t go through what I did with Diablo 3 again. The matchmaking system is garbage.

So here I am still waiting. Willing to spend money. Sadly it seems as if the console communities pleas have fallen upon deaf ears.


Bump still no response. Garbage

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Signed again! They did fix a lot of technical issues, here is hoping this much needed QOL feature is implemented for us console players as well. One of those Christmas miracles perhaps?

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Signed. Grew up playing original Diablo and this series has always been my favorite, having a blast playing this regardless and glad they’re putting in all the effort with nonstop updates. Hopefully this one comes soon!

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I bought the game yesterday and I’m honestly super disappointed to the level I’m considering refund.

I was so hyped about leveling my first sorc on tristram/tomb runs with people.

Slowly realized I am alone in this game in players1 super slow and boring grind.

This is basically getting all cons with no pros, you destroyed multiplayer experience for me

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Signing again. aaaaaaa

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Fix your game, Blizzard. Maybe you didn’t notice, but there are countless players informing you matchmaking is broken, and has been since launch.

Maybe you should… fix it?

You could also start acknowledging these issues, instead of ghosting your community like a bitter ex-girlfriend.

Seriously, there are other games Blizzard, and we’re all growing tired of waiting.

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I agree 100%! The public lobbies and multiplayer of the pc is what keeps the game addicting and fun to play.

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Until they fix the lobbies, I will not be buying D4!


Console needs lobby it was a sad pathetic and extremely lazy part on the developers how they butchered game finding on console wow


i posted a new thread on this, but i will post it in here as well to show my support.

"I cant find ANY online games EVER since the i bought the game on launch day. There is no Lobby for Console and the find a game is so convoluted its impossible to actually match up with anyone. I made it to hell, but there is no way im going to farm literally 8x the normal amount since there is none i can play with to greatly increase mob size and MF. Ive done 100+ Countest, Pindle, Diablo, and Pit runs on NM and close to 100 Countest, and Pit Runs on HELL… still nothing, which i figured since im running Solo with only 104 MF, which should be enough if i farmed with max 4+ players or was able to increase my player count.
I’ve just quit playing tbh. I love the fact that its hard to gear in D2 due to drop rates, and monster toughness but the difference from hard to impossible is considerable.

Please either make the player count increase available for online when no one is in your party or allow online Chars to be able to play Offline."


Signed I’m heavily missing lobby feature…


Signed and bumped.
Can we get a blue post?

I don’t even think you can call what console has a “lobby”

Was the idea, “Playstation and xbox have party systems so we don’t need one in D2R?” Because that’s a really big yikes.

Was the idea, “if they want to use chat, and a mouse and keyboard the PC version is available?” Because that’s a really bad look.

This console port would be straight heat if it just had the actual chat and lobby system that…the game already has.