Bot-like runs are a very real thing in this game?
You are saying that some players can actually do pindle runs at the same rate as an actual bot I seriously don’t think that is true as bots do like 30+ runs in a short time and I do not think it is humanly possible to do runs that quickly because bots are nearly perfect at what they are programmed to do and humans just can’t match that for many reasons.
Reasons a human player cannot match the speed of a bot
Bots complete the kill nearly all the time as they rarely die
Bots can not get distracted because they are computer programs called macros
Bots do not have to take breaks to stretch
Bots do not have to worry about importaant phone calls
Bots do not need to use the bathroom
Bots do not need to eat and sleep
The original D2 server architecture had no mechanism for automatically timing out on players due to the rate at which they were initiating multiplayer games. With the release of the expansion pack LOD came many gameplay changes, but many other ‘hidden’ changes which closed exploitable bugs in code and also implemented a ‘unique item signature’ added to ‘every item’ such that if an item had been ‘duped’ it could be detected and destroyed. Of course ‘every item’ was a lie, as those with the knowledge quickly realized; a white base could be duped with impunity and then rolled into a perm runeword with duped runes for example. But for a large part, simply duplicating items was no longer the end-all-be-all solution for item sellers. Thus, prevalent public botting was born. The d2jsp forums many users hail as a ‘trade forum’ today was actually one of many forums dedicated to hacking and cheating blizzard games. It released a semi-open source customizable bot of the same name, one of it’s primary functions being to kill pindleskin and hold only pre-programmed items. Well, when thousands upon thousands of users were hosting games that lasted 15-30 seconds 24 hours a day 7 days a week, the now antiquated servers had met their stress limits. Decades of nonsensical and frustrating restrictions were then placed upon everyone and they still persist on the legacy servers to this day.
Long story short, a human can easily perform a 20 second pindle run on p1 with even subpar gear. A team of humans can do it 24/7. Without a legitimate detection method, this could easily be confused with a bot. Clearly, Blizzard still lacks a legitimate detection method.
here is why human players absolutely can not do runs as fast as s bot
Bots can make the next game about 5-10 seconds faster than a human as they do it automatically and get through the menues a bit quicker
Here is one of several reasons why that doesn’t matter: 5-10 seconds is too low of a discrepancy to account for other variables such as the gear the character is wearing, class, spec optimization, network latency, etc. Also, I believe 5-10 seconds is a large overestimation, player needs to press escape and click twice.
Keep in mind that all external factors that affect a human player also affect the bot but unlike human players bots can go through menus real fast as they do not hav to worry about menu navigation when exiting and creating games
Again, menu navigation is a few keystrokes that don’t ever change. The difference between a human and a bot regarding this is negligible.
just to say…algorythm dont work on certain bots…like the create/exit time spawn is easily programmable to have variables…too much consistency with 0.001 sec would flag an account…while a system hunting overplay would generally catch cheaters… that may not apply to a time session like this guy has(although honestly, he’s borderline on level of a bot by going relentless like that)…well Blizz should upgrade their anti-cheat system to detect botting programs instead of using algorythm for play time session
well thats crazy anyway…16 hours of gameplay everyday is insanity(at least 18 hours awake per day if include breakfast,lunch,dinner,shower,nature call time)
he’s bound to have some fatigue drawback for overplay
i use to do 20-36 hours sessions years ago when younger…but those came with drawback(extra sleep)…from what i’am reading this guy is non-stop all days…thats whack
maybe they could add basic math prompt asking players how much X + X equate to verify they’re not a bot upon exiting a room and they have 15-20 seconds to answer the equation
basic like 1+4…5+9…3+6…small numbers so they’re easy and quick to answer(no answer exceeding a result of 20)…only occur for accounts of players bypassing 10+ hours a day