People are confused on what cheating is

I see no problem with changes based on what is being asked for obviously. But as now being a casual player if I could get a game where we walk for my 2 hours-ish time I would call that a good day. But nah everyone just wants waypoints handed out and rush.

I would like for a change that encourages actually playing the game as intended not just cheese your way through

I personally prefer the walkthrough gameplay, until Hell, at that time I team up with others since I can’t solo anymore (immunities, difficult areas, etc) based on my build, I do have a fortune of JSP from selling items, yet I’ve had 0 FG out since 2012, I literally play the game for the fun.

I will agree some of the changed are very welcomed, but I still want this online multiplayer game, to involve the original intent of grouping up, and bartering for goods.

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outwitting who? the fans? the ones who choose to join the streamer they enjoy watching? stay jealous, my friend.

who has been deceived? was anyone promised compensation for their time?

Streamers are not cheating…look, by this definition, right? anyone with friends or a large group/clan who can maintain full games for optimal exp gains is considered cheating.

interestingly, this means everyone who doesnt cheat, doesnt interact with the community in a positive manner, which results in them being alone.

he isnt getting a streamer XP bonus, like “oh, you’re a streamer? here, 150% extra experience gained streamer charm for you!”

So relax, and make friends, that way you can have a full game all the time…just remember friendships go both ways, which means supporting your friends when they need it too.

you could also buy 7 more copies, and run them on a seperate computer or something idk…what ever a nolifer does to get by without other players.

Just be quiet man…

Since you seem to enjoy being extremely precise in your answers, which established rule(s) would you say MrLlammaSC is allegedly breaking and thus, cheating?

It’s so sad that people within the age group of Diablo II’s demographic do not understand the simple definition of “cheating”.

I pointed that out before and hell, in this very topic Stanner in the first very post puts out the definition from a dictionary and people are still arguing.
Facts don’t care about your feelings folks.

Yes, they are cheating. No, cheating does not necessarily mean “illegal” or using “third party” or whatever. That’s “hacking” (or rather “script kiddie-ing”) in video games and it is a subset of cheating.
Yeah, people are indeed confused about the meaning of “cheating”. People like OP.

They are clearly abusing the game’s mechanics, and playing “Diablo II Communism”. Which I explained LONG ago and proposed solutions to it, and I have explicitly written that most abusers/cheaters would be against those solutions:

Diablo II stays abuse-to-win, and stays fun only for abusers and cheaters.

“Drop rates are fine” says those Diablo II Communism players that have people find items for them. “Player x command would kill bnet” says those abusers. “Ploot will suddenly make D2 into The Evil D3”. Said those people, that let other people literally play the game for them and they take the credits (and their money, items, etc. too!).

People have acostumed so hard to play alone now players 8 is cheating? Hilarious.
We all abusing the game, it’s a developer wish you only kill 3 monsters 100 times and passing by all others doing keys? Probably not, but if you are “clear all maps type of player” then…doing only keys is cheating, only meph is cheating, not doing the smith quest is cheating, because it’s all abusing the game.
Yeah, game is very peculiar, it was made 20 years ago, some things are a win that will never be repeated because people today can’t handle, and other things are making this game weird and too easy to sustain long periods of playing (hence short seasons try to alleviate that).
If game is not played like you do : cheating. Trading, partying, playing softcore, all cheating, i said it lol.


When someone has a team of players, willingly helping that one member, to reach lvl 99, because that is their intention by default, and most effective to concentrate on one player, is not cheating. The community acted by it’s own free will, to help that one person. But the anti-social nerds are butthurt, because they refuse to play in a group, so now they cry about not haveing an equal chance. Well duh… a group effort will always be gynormously more rewarding, than trieing to keep up ssf-ing on the Ladder. News flash! You can’t. Common sense ok? Ask for a seperate solo Ladder, where you can’t join others and can not be joined by others, so you can compete on your own level.


its a breath of fresh air to see other people who actually use their brains. I wish they would listen to you, but they are stuck on stupid it seems.

Facts don’t care about feelings. A fact is presented in the very first reply. It’s obvious who is close minded here.

Educate yourself and actually read the very first reply in your topic. Be actually logical and factual instead of emotionally insulting the other party while keeping a close mind.

you have not presented any facts, just feelings…what are you even on dude?

Now you’re blatantly trolling or not being so smart. Fact is in the very first post, it’s definition of cheating from America’s most trusted online dictionary.

Again, facts don’t care about feelings.

Playing in a group is what this game is about, and is not against the rules in any form. thats a fact for you.

This means that if a guy gets help from his 20 friends, that is absolutely acceptable and does nothing but show how good it can be to have friends who arent selfish or rude.

would you say I cheated, if my friend geared my char for me, then rushed me, then helped me level up? because if so, then you speak from feelings.

Group play is not against the rules, if you want to give your stuff to someone in need and help them, thats absolutely acceptable.

I think you should be more concerned about the effects of the coming ladder reset, when everyone dumps their chars in games in NL and destroy the market of NL. they need to keep ladder and NL seperate forever, but allow NL to find and make the items released in the Ladder AFTER it resets. this would prevent a stimulus of items on the massive scale that it occurs.

Yes. Yes I will, and it’s funny you’re even bringing that point out. It’s like using a trainer to level 99 in an RPG game and ask if that is cheating or not.

It is cheating, whether you do it or not is up to you. Because at the end video games are played for fun. But to say it isn’t cheating is laughable.

Point is mechanics are easily abused. Player x command, ploot, and better drop rates would help fair/legit players more.

He isn’t “getting help”. They’re playing the game for him. Huge difference. They aren’t even “friends” most of them never even met. Parasocial relationship with a streamer.

Again: Definition of cheating in the first very reply. Facts don’t care about feelings.

i always thought stanner and zahramar was the same… it become more and more obvious.

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so then this is your opinion. not a fact. got it.

If Blizzard is ok with someone streaming their IP while exploiting the outdated mechanics, I see no reason to bash anyone. Sure, they will have an advantage but that doesn’t mean that average players will be left out with future updates. I hope that they really look into how the current game can be exploited and come up with something to even the playing field for future ladder seasons. They have hours of current footage, the streamers shot themselves in the foot by streaming. :laughing:

By that logic this is your opinion too, only my opinion is backed with a fact.

Ignore facts all you want, facts ignore feelings.

even a diablo dev was in ther stream congratz him on lvl 99… so obv not cheat.

nope, I’m the only one stating a fact. you’re OPINION is that it’s cheating.