Pc on pestilent small charm of anthrax

small charm 451 poison damage over 12 seconds… I have never seen one like this before req level 80
is this charm any good or does the long 12 seconds for the damage kinda mitigate its worth ?

You hit the jackpot :smiley: EDIT: These are highly sought after by pvp’ers. I would have offered Lo + Sur, but I don’t think it will be enough. The last one that actually traded was at 2+ bers (gotta search for that sales thread again to confirm). These can only drop from Baal and Nihlathak. I just got a small Baal charm last night, but the odds of rerolling it to a 451-poison charm are pretty slim.

These are really rare! I will trade you a Ber for yours

oddly they are, mostly because people don’t know that poison dmg on charms is complete trash

anyways those charms are awesome to boost your char screen dmg for the lulz
definitive worth quite a lot
Funny enough is that in 1.09 people duped 290 psn charms en masse instead of those (or they didn’t exist?)

I believe ya :smiley: How do poison SC’s work when stacked on a Spider-Sin and Venom?

I think because of how the poison damage get’s averaged with Venom, it ends up being a DPS loss

if I remember they have a different interaction with venom, so that the dmg is somewhat added to venom in a short duration which makes them better on a spider sin, but never tested it

this could also be, dont remember

all I know is that if you break down poison on other characters will will basically result in something marginally like 2 dps increase or so. Poison is already nerfed in pvp and then you add in poison res etc. and it does basically nothing. Poison length reduction also double dips or something

Do you guys have your information correct? I thought poision charm was a thing at some point in D2 history and then it was nerfed so it’s no longer what it used to be.

what about 100 poison/19 life small charm?

I normally pay Pul - Um for those depending on the 2nd mod.

i found a 377 psn dam Large charm last night but clearly not near as good as this one.