So my cursor is over the belt (so that it shows all the belt slots) and I hold R3. Normally, it will refill my belt (I typically have potions in the first row) with potions in my inventory based off the first row.
However, it seems like it does the process to find a potion to put into the belt, and instead of putting it in the correct slot of the belt and then repeating the process until the belt is filled, it just finds the next potion and picks it up.
Not sure what the trigger for this happening is. After awhile, it goes back to normal.
In the video, I’m holding R3 to populate the belt. In the video above, it seemed to fix itself after I completely emptied the belt and re-populated it by holding R3. Maybe because after I did that, the rejuvenation potion finally popped into the 3rd slot and then everything started working again? I’ll have to test this out the next time it happens.