So using a xbox 360 controller. I started playing diablo again after a while of a break. But now my controller is acting weird and idk why. When I go to pick a character, going up and down always acts like a double press. So it will go down 2 spaces instead of 1. In game, (A) also opens the chat everytime. And just general…odd…behavior.
Is there already a known fix for this? It’s not the controller, I don’t think, as I play FF14 with it all the time, and that is far more button intensive, lol.
Just wondering if there is a setting, or something I’m not figuring out, or some workaround.
Thanks in advance for the help
I have exactly same issue. In my case i tried 2 different xbox series x controller that supposed have best compatibility with windows 11. Would be nice if the game received some update to fix this.
Note: controllers works perfect in other games.
I thought I was going crazy, same issue here! The double presses on the menu, sometimes start button doesn’t work in game, inventory gets stuck on/off. So freaking annoying, been playing since day 1 with the same controller this never used to happen.
EDIT - sorry no fix I’ve found please LMK if you all find a fix.
Hey I had the same issue, just found a fix on reddit for my issue at least. I had and Steam overlay running at the same time and Steam controller settings was interfering. Logged out fully from Steam, totally fixed!