Paladin and Sorceress dominance for 10+ years

Hero derp paladin chaos solo 8 player games with rags, AOE 8k hammer spm ftw please, 45 resist extra in shields please, uninterrupted attacks moar plz k thnx bai. Ez spam braindead spirit sword and shield nub here. Gimme DAT viper for more lul damage and fcr. Get defecated on with your crap resistance immune monsters. You play :poop:. I play win = din. Gg ft5 ez pz sit kid.

Seriously if you think paladin isn’t the most op class in the game you are braindead. :joy:

I don’t care about your preferences or how much you claim paladin isn’t the best. It is period. Ty foh buff, ty auradins buff, ty devs for making din even more powerful, muhahhahahahaaaaasa!

(No this isn’t sarcasm, this is my general mentality when it comes to farming for gear)

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 never should have happened. It was a dumb choice
 but then bows were actually used back then.

:man_facepalming: Ok then
 no point continuing this conversation then. I’m out.

See ya. Guess your attempt at a gottcha back fired? NERFS ARE NEVER THE ANSWER.

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This wraps it up nicely actually: this interpretation makes it all the more clear that you care more about “winning” an argument online rather than having a productive discussion. Sitting in public view.

And this ends this spin off dialogue as well. Bye.

That doesn’t even make sense. If something is broken, why would you try to break everything else to match?

It’s ok if you thing the top builds are where they should be at for the game. I’d suggest a character with ultimate gear plays easier than the devs ever intended, especially in a P8 game.

There are ways to fix how simple beating the game with P8 is. Perhaps the devs should make each additional player add considerably more health and damage to monsters? Would buffing enemies constitute a nerf in your mind to existing builds? It would effectively make builds harder to play.

D2 has evolved considerably since 1.0 and I hope it continues to evolve while maintaining its spirit.

I honestly wouldn’t bother; based on the conversation trail above, you’re just wasting your time.

I don’t cry
 I do my job i come home! i don’t expect people to think the same way i do " just because i do" i wouldn’t want someone to wake up with a weaker build just to make me FEEL better.

Op is only a thing in a competitive environment. This is a game ANYONE can be ANYTHING they choose
 This isn’t WOW no one is going to take your raid spot.

Exactly. You’re ok with one set of rules and constraints, but somehow it’s “how so 2022 of you!” if it’s concerning rules and constraints that you disagree about.

i don’t understand that you want people to wake up one day and be worse than they were when they went to bed in a noncompetitive game. you are fighting a ghost. Nothing is OP nothing is haunting you! You can play anything. How in good conscience can you think this is ok? if it ok that this build is good why can’t more builds be this good? You know
 in a not so competitive game? competitiveness is when you GET something for winning for REAL! I play poison necro
 I wouldn’t want anyone to wake up weak for me to be better.
This seems to be a generational thing though.

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No one should be happy about paying taxes. It’s your civic duty to pay as little as legally necessary.


OMG, that made me laugh hard, I need to steal that line for a future use to make myself look funny Infront of my friends :rofl:

Slomo4Sh0, you seem like a knowledgeable person, how is our government & current administration mishandling our taxes?

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The game will instantly lose its replay value if every class can breeze through players 8. That may be ok with you, but that’s just your opinion.

Ladder? PvP? Or
 in any sense players treating the game in a competitive way and that they are entitled to do so?

You’re still paying them though, and not crying every time you do so, I hope. That would make life rather miserable for you otherwise.

Exactly! Fight for what you CAN’T have not what anyone can have but you don’t want! I don’t play what you are fighting, but am ok if my build isn’t top tier. nerfs are not the answer. What if they made your crappy build worse one day? Does that make anything better? Don’t look at builds as numbers look at it as a beautiful person that has fun playing a way that you don’t like.

It’s optimal to hold off on paying em as long as one can and pay as little as one can.

The income tax started as a temporary tax on the rich
 Nothing is as permanent as a temporary government initiative

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That’s a loaded question. When has government ever been efficient? Every administration is wasteful, they just waste your taxes and your future (debt spending) on different types of “economic activities” :rofl:

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I hear you; you came off as being knowledgeable about the subject and wanted to learn from your experiences. I was hoping you could share some good examples that I can then use for talking conversations. I always like to listen and learn from those who are more experienced than I am on this subject.

Not crappy by any means, but I cited the guided arrow example earlier. Even as an Amazon player myself, I welcomed the change because it made sense to remove this mechanic that in all evidence was skewing the game to be too easy and was at all not intended.

And those that disagree with the nerfs are going about this in a 1-dimensional way, it’s about what impact these nerfs will have on the game. Will it make it just a little more challenging or the challenge made more consistent with other builds? Will it completely break the build? Will it adversely affect the overall experience of the game?

These are the things you need to think about, rather than saying “all nerfs are bad”, because one of those effects is actually healthy.

Look up Thomas Sowell and/or Milton Friedman to start.

Good luck!