/p8 online and terror zones

To run game in higher difficulty /p8 is actually quite balancing, it does not only improve drop rates, but makes the game harder. So broken characters like auradins do not work well on higher player count. And others like barbarians can benefit from harder single hits lacking AoE dmg. As long as there is no fair loot system I will not play MP, because it is not fair that wild BER drops and one get it, someone with telekineze probably :smiley: As well mostly when I play MP it works that everyone clears their location solo, so they just benefit from higher player counts. I like Idea of TZ, but it seems too easy to clear it. P8 is much better challange. I wish they make them really hard to finaly utilize our end game gears.


The hilarious thing is you think its easy to add /players 8 to multiplayer.

You literally need to create a new type of game which does not allow any other players to join…

People like yourself take almost no time to think of things and why they would not work… just saying.

The even more hilarious thing is not a single person here is going to mention this huge issue which would require a lot of work and would probably be riddled with exploits to boost above /players 8.

The fact that most people supporting the /players 8 haven’t even thought of the issues involved with implementation of this feature kind of shows they are pretty smooth brained and unable to comprehend basic game balance and design.

Terror zones by default should be p24 or someting

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i’m a professional software developer since uh can’t even remember, and it is easy.


If you want handout, go play d3

Why would you have to create a new type of game? Just have a setting on gamecreation that will be the minimal playercount. If new player joins, check if actual pcount is bigger than min playercount, if yes, monsters get stronger. Same for leaving games.

It would def impact balance and design.
However splitmf groups and people joining pubgames to snipe something and leave arent good design. And lets be real with all the bots the market balance is screwed either way.

“Hey lets join the same game to not play together at all. Or let me join the game “act1 start”, kill andy and leave”. First one is annoying and should be outdated in 2022, second one is (or can be) toxic and became a much bigger issue since you dont get a tempban anymore for joining too many games.


Well I agree that terror zones will kill multiplayer experience And promote selfish approach + boost bots even further.

/pX command will never go live tho (I hope)

This game is dying because most players are solo players. Most solo players want the option for a /players x mechanic for oniine mode. Why? Many reasons that I will not go into, but for one, once your character is geared enough, there is no point on playing players 1, its just way too boring.

Why not just play mutliplayer? mainly because you can’t play at your own pace. Split magic find is trash. One person finishes clearing chaos sanctuary in 2 mins and forces a new game to be made even before you have found the location of the pit.

For those against adding an option for players x, don’t use it! but I know almost every solo player will use it at one point in their leveling experience.

I will not come back to this game until a players x option is available for solo players. Until then I will just wait for D4 or play WoW.


Add SSF ladder that allows /x commands.

everyone is happy

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Dont worry, you will not be missed.

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I played D2 on free server many years ago and they had option to increase player count for MP. And it worked flawlessly, game got even more balanced and enjoyable. Well on p8 cows you really need filters… So without filters it might be hell for your eyes :smiley: Otherwise you want to see some chalange. So cant agree more with you :slight_smile: Only Option would be make terror zones like PX= (5*Actual player count) and we are good.

Yeah, you are the perfect example.

Yes I prefer for people like you to quit. It’s better for you, the community and the game.

It’s funny when toxic selfish people complain about the „toxic“ community

But it is…don’t go!!!
You just need to play single player…it is already available. It doesn’t get more solo than that!

It’s truly amazing how you guys keep telling about play local SP while ignoring the now multiple times stated argument that there is no multiplayer for local saves in resurrected like it was in OG, open bnet is GONE so no thanks im not interested in local SP without TCPIP or open bnet ffs.

What could happen is Ladder has current value of Players 8 for 1 player. Make it a Ladder only feature. While upping the count per player, essencialy rewarding those who play together while giving you a legit reason to want to play Ladder. A full game would be like players 16!

it does not help. It works to level up on p8 solo since lvl 1. You even level up faster.