Overdue Apology

Here is a long overdue apology.

I’m sorry I hurt you when we were children.

I’m sorry you trusted me, and dropped that item on the other side of the wagon in Act 1. I did use telekinesis to pick it up. Many times.

I’m sorry that you fell for it again when LoD first came out, because I was on a barbarian this time. I did equip a ring with telekinesis charges. Until TK was finally patched.

I’m sorry, in your innocence you filled your inventory with stamina potions. How shocked you must have been when I killed you and all of your items littered the ground.

Sorry about that gemmed cap.

I’m sorry about tricking you into sending the accept trade packet. You were just starting to feel like a leet hacker.

Sorry for all the crowded WPs in hardcore.

Sorry for all the dirty TPs in hardcore.

Sorry about TPPKing you in hardcore.

Sorry about all those times you walked out of town ahead of me in hardcore.

Sorry about killing your AFK Enchantress sitting near the edge of town with my Rogue Merceneary in hardcore.

Sorry about trading you clashing duped items that poofed in your next game.

Sorry for killing your Cow King.

Sorry for leaving the game with Malah’s potion in my inventory.

Sorry for hiding your Radament’s Book of Skill in the corner of the Great Marsh.

Sorry for all of it, we were only children.



Turlok you have got to be one of the saddest posters on these forums. I hope you finally find a HR today!


Not sure why he’s suddenly apologetic on the forums, considering he believes that everyone on the forums are in reality a few multi accounters.

But hey, it’s at least a change from his usual rhetoric barf text.

I knew that I could count on a quick response from you, thanks buddy. Didn’t you just block me though?

I wonder how many people have never dealt with the old school struggles and shenanigans that D2 used to have. So many scams… there was the “DND” one, where you type your password in your DND. I don’t remember how people would try to convince you to do that, but that was one. So many people blatantly trying to get you to do stupid things.

Unidentified IK armor for SoJ = green ancient armor…

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They were endless but this thread wasn’t created with that in mind. Turlok is just going through one of his many anti-blizzard/d2jsp/griefers phases

Weird take, do you always speak for strangers?

Pretty obvious isn’t it though? I have a pretty good memory and looking at your history it doesn’t take much to confirm what the majority of your nearly 800 posts are about.

I had fun reading this

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How do u post a picture like that?

I did the amulet switcheroo after someone did it to me it was just a cats eye tho

I will remember scamming, getting scammed, occy soj and all the dupes for the rest of my life.

No need to apologize, its what made us who we are.

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Bu bu bu bu bu but whyyyyy cant I take that serious? LOL. Im soooo sorrry xD

You have to be forum trust level 3.

The more difficult requirements for that are visting the forum 50 out of 100 days on a rolling basis, no recent forum suspension, and reading a significant percentage of all threads/posts.