I finally get a +skill Grand Charm on hardcore ladder and I go to X-fer it to a mule only to get booted for NO REASON whatsoever and then get the BULLSHYT “checking versions” refusal to login conveniently long enough for my game to expire and SCREW me out of my items! This has happened way too many freaken times over the DECADES and I’m finally sick and tired of it enough to start a forum topic about it… BUT MEANWHILE cheating pricks are running sometimes LITERALLY hundreds of bots out in the open and even still selling items yet Blizzard does jack-shyt NOTHING about it other than screw over legitimate players! Anybody saying “pay the bastards money for “remastered” so I can have crappy looking characters and more storage space” clearly has Stockholm Syndrome and on pure freaken principal alone, it will be a cold-COLD day in hell before I ever-EVER pay blizzard so much as a stinking penny of my money EVER again! -I don’t pay for shytty games!
I understand your frustration and feel your loss, and what I’m going to say will not alleviate that, but i want to share with you a secret that if practiced will never get you kicked, even some bots are programmed to do this.
When you leave a game don’t do anything for seven seconds. You want to wait the same amount of time as the message that says you left the game takes to disappear, which is a 7 full seconds. Don’t go to the character screen, don’t go to chat, and don’t make a new game. Always do this every time you leave a game for whatever reason.
I manually play 8 character at once in the same game (my bnet /p8). I play the one character and use the other 7 for mules and xp in hell. When they are full I then spend and hour or 2 muling onto other mules. With the system I just described, I can leave and join the mule game 100 times in an hour and not get kicked, and all because I wait out the 7 seconds right after exiting.
I have over 100 storage mules on this ladder, and I never trade in anyway. It works without fail.