Offline Shared Stash fix (PS4/PS5)

No mule needed.
Just Save&Exit to get to the character select screen.
Press “Play” right away to enter the game with your character again.
Now Save&Exit a 2nd time.

You can close the game now. Next time you start the game the shared stash will be in the same state as when you left.

edit: The method works 100% reliably. The shared stash saving seems not related to the red pentagram autosave-symbol in-game.

  1. Save&Exit
  2. Don’t close the game, wait for the red pentagram to disappear on the character select screen
  3. Enter the game again with the same character (just press “Play”)
  4. Save&Exit again
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This doesn’t always work. It just gives the game more potential time to actually save the shared stash.

(The shared stash is saved in intervals, not by any action done by the user)

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The shared stash saves in intervals IN GAME.
Which is why sometimes items duplicate from a crash. Try it with a TP scroll bro. It works 100% of the time I even have a post from yesterday explaining this solution. Now if you’re on a PS4 it may not work because the PS4 has some even gnarlier bugs then this. But I can confirm the Switch works guaranteed. You can also dupe literally on command by adding a few steps to this.
Edit: Nvm this in fact works on PS4 as well actually so basically all consoles most likely.

The shared stash does not save in intervals. The red pentagram symbol that appears in-game from time to time doesn’t seem related to the shared stash.

Did some stress testing. Out of 20 attempts the shared stash saved 20 times.

Whereas with just saving once and then closing the game the shared stash saved 0 out of 50+ times.

The method is simply:

  1. Save&Exit
  2. Don’t close the game, wait for the red pentagram to disappear on the character select screen
  3. Enter the game again with the same character (just press “Play”)
  4. Save&Exit again

Yeah the pentagram doesn’t mean its saving 99% of the time. I think it might mean its loading more of the game or something… But yeah a double save&exit is the only sure fire way of getting shared stash contents to stick. Certain things you do ingame though can cause the game to save the shared stash though because thats why sometimes things end up in the shared stash AND your inventory duplicating the item some times.

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Anybody know if this bug is still happening or has it been patched? I’m thinking of going back to offline since player difficulty setting is coming to console and it basically doesn’t exist online for consoles.

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The bug is still there, but saving twice works for me 100% (just wait a few seconds after the first save on the character select screen for the pentagram to disappear).

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