Offline play on the Switch any fun?

I’ve only played D2R online for the Nintendo Switch since the game came out last September. Nearly 95% of my online play has been solo. The only advantage I have online, besides trading and finding some friends, is I can transfer my characters to another platform like PC or XBOX.

I just wanted to know if anybody here has played offline for the Nintendo Switch and how fun is it? Do you thoroughly enjoy gaming for countless hours offline? Are you able to complete a holy grail and find every item in the game?

The option to scale my games to 8 players is very appealing to me. I can solo faster experience. Level 99 is possible for a dedicated gamer like me. I assume I’ll also find high runes like cupcakes if I’m on 8 players. I still find high runes on 1 player games online but it takes a long time! Too long.

Do you guys recommend that I give offline 8 players a try on the Nintendo Switch? I may actually like it. The new ladder items will eventually carry over to offline or am I mistaken?

I just want to have fun and put my grind to good use. I feel like scaling to 8 players offline will be a fun challenge and greatly reward me with many more high runes and exceptional/elite uniques.

Only downside is I need the 2.4 Patch to go live before I start my offline 8 player Summon Druid. Also I read somewhere that offline play on the Switch gets 30 character slots as oppose to 20? It ain’t much more but I’ll take it if true.

Hmm. I may still play the ladder season but three months goes by very fast! I’ve been waiting longer for the 2.4 Patch it seems like. Playing offline just seems better suited for what I’m trying to accomplish.

I have D2R on the Switch and I only play offline. Back in the old days, I was an online-only player and didn’t think I’d have the same level of fun playing solely offline, but I’m actually having MORE fun now. The game becomes so much more rewarding when high runes and endgame gear drops as opposed to trading for them. Grailing is going to be far more grueling, but not impossible.

I’m at 4 characters currently (Strafezon, Summonmancer, Hammerdin, Zealot), all between lvl 89 - 92 and they can all solo Hell. Players 1 is a cakewalk for all four characters, players 3 is reasonably challenging, and players 5 - 8 is very doable but requires a fair amount of caution—especially for my Zealot and Summoner who I’m still grinding to get better gear for.

The strongest allure for me is still the handheld aspect of the game. Even though I’ve limited myself to being entirely self-suited, being able to switch off of the TV to handheld mode and farming at my own speed while watching TV with the wife makes all the difference for me.


PankoScrimp understands M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction) and Diplomacy why can’t others? :thinking:


Personally I’ve played online for many many years. And offline for many years aswell. I’ve come to realize that I myself find it far more fun on single player. One might think it would take long to grind for gear and whatnot. I don’t find that at all. Infact I find it easier only in the sense that you can increase the player count without having someone do all the work for you, and I’ve actually had way better luck offline. I’ve only ever found a couple gul runes online as far as high runes go, a couple mal and everything lesser. On single player I’ve found more high runes then I can remember trading for over the years. Made the equipment ive never been able to afford over the years. I’ve even found stuff I’ve never had the luck of finding like both swords to bulkathos children set or an soj. Sure you don’t have anyone to trade with but in all honesty, I find stuff offline at a decent enough pace that I don’t have interest in wasting time looking for someone to see eye to eye with to trade fairly in a game where item prices fluctuate. The only thing I haven’t done offline yet is attempt Uber level or Uber diablo. I’m working on my smiter gear right now and only missing a couple runes. I also have a 92hammer-din and a 90 light sorc fully geared and gonna start my zon right away cause I have all the gear for one of those too.
I’d say offline is the way to go, but it all depends on the kind of player You Are.


Hey bud, off topic question maybe you can answer. What and who is a rune master good for? Just load it with Ed jewels, is it worth it to even do that unless I have a whole bunch to sacrifice, because it offers nothing to skills I assume it’s best for a barb? I dunno what to even do with this thing :joy:

Also may I add, the gear I did acquire, allows the players I have made to run p8 solo with ease. And it wasn’t hard to outfit them the way I want to either.

I’ve never personally found any use for a Rune Master, at least any uses that didn’t come with a high price tag that would be better spent on something actually worthwhile. :joy:

A buddy of mine plays solo on Nintendo Switch and grinds HARD (he works overnight security at a graveyard lol); and he has two 5 socket Rune Masters, both fitted with 5x Lems for his horker Barb. Runs nightmare Trav and nets 250k - 500k gold per run that he transfers to his gamblers.


That’s pretty decent. My sorc makes serious bank too. I rune Andy and the pit on p7 in about 8 minutes total, and each time I do it’s 250k without asking anything. I just gamble it all away on circs and ammys

A 5 socket unique axe just looks cool. Also I believe the name is in reference to a horror film.

Who is it for? Nerds. :nerd_face:

Like a lot of D2 unique items they are usefull for a very short window of leveling your character.

What to put in them? Who knows? One thing that may work is 5 Ist Runes. Use it for a weapon switch magic find.

Or Tal Runes to mess with poison damage. If there was a good use, there would be a build that uses it and we’d both know about it.

Or everyone is sleeping and it takes 2 crazy people to find it. :crazy_face:

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Il figure out something good for it. 5 ias jewels or somethjng who knows. Here’s another question. I’ve never even seen let alone heard of a dream spirit helm till today. Just a white helm. Never even knew they existed. Maybe I just don’t pay enough attention… that’s what my wife’s tells me all the time :rofl: maybe she’s onto something. Regardless how long have those Druid helms existed? Have you seen them?

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Doesn’t a Barbarian with two Ali baba work better for Gold Find?

+ (2.5 Per Character Level) 2-247 % Extra Gold From Monsters (Based On Character Level) + 2 Lem in socket.

5 × (Lem 75% GF) = 375 GF

Ali Baba
2 × (Lem 75% GF) + Max GF (247% GF) = 397 GF

But you do need to be level 91 to break even with the babas and 99 to max GF. :thinking:

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Yeah there are more types of elite Druid helms than people think. The Blood and Dream Spirit helms are both Wolf helms but are painted different. Sky and Sun helms are both Bird helms painted different.

5 Total

Blood Spirit
Defense: 101-145
Durability: 20
Str Required: 86
Item Level: 62
Clvl Req: 46 Sockets: 1-3
Inv Size: 2x2

Sun Spirit
Defense: 98-147
Durability: 20
Str Required: 95
Item Level: 69
Clvl Req: 51 Sockets: 1-3
Inv Size: 2x2

Earth Spirit
Durability: 20
Str Required: 104
Item Level: 76
Clvl Req: 57 Sockets: 1-3
Inv Size: 2x2

Sky Spirit
Defense: 103-155
Durability: 20
Str Required: 113
Item Level: 83
Clvl Req: 62 Sockets: 1-3
Inv Size: 2x2

Dream Spirit
Defense: 109-159
Durability: 20
Str Required: 118
Item Level: 85
Clvl Req: 63 Sockets: 1-3
Inv Size: 2x2

I feel like a dummy not have ever seen one all these years, but I’ve never made a Druid or pay attention to their gear. To much anyways hahaha

Too many "I"s in that one. OCD activate!

Easy thing to miss. Not a big deal.

As soon as Patch 2.4 goes live on the Nintendo Switch I’m going to start my new offline Summon Druid with the player count scaling slider set to 8 players. I should be good to go with a big bag of Doritos and some Orange Sunkist soda.

I’m more than anxious and excited to get started on my personal holy grail journey! I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time and I’m beyond ready guys! I will defeat all evil and find every item in the game including hundreds of high runes.

A week from tomorrow is go time, baby! Hopefully the D2R Devs can throw us a massive bone and release the final patch notes tomorrow? Give the player base something fun and exciting a full week early as a way to say thank you for all of our patience and understanding.

And last but certainly not least. I just wanted to say that I love this game very much. It’s part of my DNA. I love the D2R Devs and I love all of you more than I can express in words! From the bottom of my precious heart… Thank you!

Feels like the same energy.