When I logged off last night, I had gotten my sorceress to lvl30 in offline mode, a5 Frigid Highlands. This morning there was the update, then I started the game and found my offline character missing. The online lvl34 sorceress, that has the same name Ysayle, still is there.
Upon searching, found this:
" For the time being, we advise you not to use the same name for your offline characters and online characters, since that is related to this bug. "
And read the patch notes:
" * Fixed saves for offline characters that shared the same names as their online characters "
I looked up the local saves folder and found there was no Ysayle.d2s, which I know is the primary save file.
So questions - is it really fixed? Did my offline save file got overwritten by the online one, deleted BEFORE or AFTER the update? And I assume that offline Ysayle.d2s data is gone for good? Can we safely use same names from now on both online and offline? Or safer not play the game?
I am trying to make educated guesses in case of same name online and offline chars:
- Online char lvl34 sorc gets saved
- Offline char with same name gets created, but upon save and exit at lvl30, mistakenly sends update request online and not creating/updating local save files
- The online request gets rejected, because offline sending update=hacker?
- The online char lvl34 stays intact, the rejected offline info is lost forever? It’s not backed up somewhere, right?
What baffles me though is some people have had rollbacks to an earlier offline save file. Does that mean they created them before the online chars?
I tested to see what files are saved now for online and offline.
- char_name.ctlo
- char_name.keyo
- char_name_online.map
- char_name_online.ma0
- char_name.ctl
- char_name.d2s
- char_name.key
- char_name.map
- char_name.ma0
None of the 5 files for my offline Ysayle are present, only the 4 online ones are there. Only trace is the shared stash tabs items I have left there. Did not check the folder before my offline character going missing or the update this morning sadly.
Is that system now working as intended now? Do the user client and server database side things work safely now? And from the patch notes wording, that means that “future” saves for offline characters are fixed, not mentioning previous data, because that is lost?