Obsidian Facet - Physical Element

The 1 to 75 damage on it alone makes it much better than a +30 vermilion jewel of carnage.

See that’s the problem, you’re attempting to do what the devs are currently doing which is throwing crap at the wall and hoping it sticks.

Double damage would ruin what little PvP is less. Double damage in just PvM only is a bad way to come to balance. Just like how these new charms only work in PvM.

If you want to balance big pack of mobs clear speed somewhat without the use of WW being mandatory you’d probably need to add cleave based off weapon size to melee options. That helps clear mob packs. Then for immunities I don’t care to balance the charm even if it could be done, but I’d actually probably just get rid of phys immunes all together or again make an infinity type weapon that breaks it. Facets wouldn’t be enough, perhaps just make phsyicals version of infinity better than the others, but more costly to make. Then they’d be able to break immunes and crowd clear. The cleave effect could have issues in PvP though with summoners so we’d have to see what to do from there.

Hell Yea! A perfect Ehterial Runemaster ettin axe with zod + 4 of these = better than grief (and probably 10x more expensive). Lets change the meta!


Again, respectfully disagree. I’ve heard streamers such as MrLlamaSC and Dbrunski talk about increasing the base damage of all weapons, which would be a fantastic change by strengthening melee characters across the board. We can atleast agree that casters have been dominating this game for decades.

Doing this would cause severe issue with pvp. The game was reworked in the past to balance pvp. DR% was capped at 75%, not sure how pvp scaled, but its currently roughly 16%. If all you want is pvm jewels, make it vs demons/undead only.

Lets clear somthing up. Physical damage is very powerful vs players.

The game would need rebalancing with added raw damage.

I could get behind that, if through testing, it was determined that physical damage was too strong. Or facet could be tuned down. These would need testing in PTR, just trying to discuss premise of the idea.

You have jewels with 40% Ed and 15% ias

I tend to try and get those

This clown doesnt know what he’s talking about. Unless its pvp, which might be? But in reality no more op then a charger paladin with a maxed ebotd war pike? And is that OP in pvp? Not really it has counters.

Especially now that stunlock in pvp is dead there isnt a glimmer of a doubt of its non-op-ness.

Basically the above person has never ppayed melee and doesnt understand teleporting over a wall still isnt going to speed up single target clearspeed. Sorc, jav, paladin still miles ahead just cast cast castin away. So many really dumb ppl on these forums who speak with 0 understanding what they talking about

Omfg please don’t talk about the meme streamers as your point of reference. You’re right melee is weak. I’m not sure that giving them double damage is the best way to combat their weakness in anyway because I don’t like PvM specific changes. If they did cleave damage they’d be able to kill mobs and if the game got rid of phys immunes OR gave a way to break phys immunities properly then melee classes would be fine.

I find that most melee builds do plenty of damage to mobs, the issue is they lack crowd control. Maybe going around 1 shotting would be fine too, but that has PvP impact that both those meme players don’t understand.

If you remember back in D2 LoD Patch 1.10, they buffed monster health quite substantially without adjusting base damage of weapons. This patch made ALL weapons weaker. That’s why I’m a proponent of buffing base weapon damage, maybe by 1.5X, or 2.0X, this would need testing to get numbers right. At the very least, weapons should be stronger for physical builds to be in a better spot. Adding melee splash is not the answer. What is irrefutable is casters dominate this game. This would be an effective solution if done right.

You’re arguing points because streamers told you their thoughts.
I don’t even care if you quadruple a zealers damage, they’ll still be bad at PvM.
They still won’t crowd clear like AOE caster abilities.

You’re hard stuck on bad ideas from bad streamer, think about it you gonna go click on every single cow in a cow game? 500 cows? Good luck I’ll be on my 4th cow game with a javazon in that time period.

Now that physical sunder charm is live, adding the Obsidian Facet to lower the physical resist even more would be a great addition for physical builds. Meanwhile elemental builds have Infinity and Rainbow Facets.

I thought we talked about this there bud. It won’t help melee be good in PvM. You can keep touting your bad idea as if it is well thought out and would fix the problem, but that is just you liking it because you came up with it. In execution the facets would make little to no difference and are a trash idea.

If elemental builds can have facets, I don’t see the harm in giving physical builds facets too. This idea may need tweaking, but the premise is sound. Let’s just agree to disagree.

See that’s not the issue it isn’t even that I care if there were physicals/magic facets in game. The facets won’t help the issues so even thinking about them is dumb lol. You need to use your brain plz it isn’t even about tweaking, I’ve told you more than once and you can even test it in offline and create a facet to do as you think it will. The premise is not sound. A 100/-100 phys facet still will not help out melee in PvM.

Realize your idea is bad, drop it, come up with something better.

You keep bringing up crowd clear like AOE caster abilities as to the reason why physical builds are weak, which is irrelevant. They’re different for a reason and have different playstyle. Otherwise, I would play a caster.

We have different defintions of what “good is.” The physical facets would give more options to physical builds. Again, we have a difference of opinion, which is ok.

The reason why melee sucks in PvM is because they can’t clear like AOE abilities. It is completely relevant if you’re attempting to get melee on par in the PvM realm.

The factets do not give you more options as a physical char. They will barely tweak your damage in the few facet slots you have. It would not make a physical char anymore viable than it currently is. Changing Blizz damage from 16k to 16,050 doesn’t make or break an ability, same thing with melee. We don’t have a difference of opinion, you’re wrong in thinking that the facet is going to make any real change.

There are plenty of things that might improve a melee chars ability to keep up in PvM, facets will never be one of them. Not only will Blizzard never make them, but they still won’t have a meaningful affect even if they were in the game. You can hero edit them into a SP game if you’d like give yourself all god tier gear, and you’ll still be slow with these facets.

I don’t want melee to have AOE abilities like casters as that is a different playstyle. I’m not trying to get melee on par with caster clear speed, I never mentioned that. You did.

I prefer a slow methodical playthrough bashing monsters over the head. I don’t zip around with teleport doing 1000 pit runs, that’s not my style. If I’m still slow with physical facets, good that’s my style.

I do want more options for physical characters. We have a different perspective. My opinion is not wrong, just different. Your opinion is equally valid. I don’t measure success by clear speed, and never will.

I think raising melee weapons base damage by 33% would be sufficient probably.

Recently I play throwbarbs. Since the change to ammo.

And I noticed Javelins have more base damage than any melee one-hand weapon. And it feels pretty good on playthrough compared to melee barb.

In endgame nope - no runeword like Grief. But if we remove Grief from equation, eth. Javelin can have more dmg than any one-hand weapon aside Grief.
Then 33% buff to base dmg would not overpower Grief for PvP or PvM much, while bring other runewords/uniques/etc closer to Grief.

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If it takes you 4.9 hits to kill a venom lord now, and the facet makes it so you only have to do 4.8 hits to kill a venom lord, you still have to hit him 5 times. Most builds try to get to end game level, so you’ll also only have the helm to socket with a 5/5. You could go for a 4 socket monarch with them, but the damage fall off from just using another weapon wouldn’t work out still. Your idea is indeed bad. It isn’t a matter of opinion, the numbers do not add up.