stick to Griffon Helm only along infinity on merc
EDIT 4: removed the miscalculations text to only leave the corrected info and also did the maths for second scenario…redone from scratch so numbers are a lil different now(could not remember what lvl i had set nova at in planner XD)
EDIT 5: last fix(thx Ona for notifying me of Orb having the wrong skills on it)
Pre-Math numbers(see math calculation section for the numbers after conv and -res are applied)
Crescent + Chain + Grif(lvl 39 Nova)…3.8k - 5k dmg…-60% Resist + Conviction(-85%)
(3/3/3/3 M-Orb + Facet Armor + Grif)…4.8k - 6.3k dmg…-45% Resist + Conviction(-85%)
(3/3/3/3 M-Orb + Chain of Honor + Grif)…5.1k - 6.6k dmg…-25% Resist + Conviction(-85%)
Math Calculations for dps outcome(assuming M resist equal 90% after conv is applied)
2.6k to 3.5k(Facets armor + 3/3/3/3 Magic orb + Griffon)
2.7k to 3.5k(Crescent moon + Chain of Honor + Griffon)
Math calculation for dps outcome 2(assuming Monster resist = 50% b4 conviction is applied)
7.4k to 9.4k(Crescent Moon + Chain of Honor + Griffon)
8.6k to 11.3k(Facets armor + 3/3/3/3 Magic orb + Griffon)
8.2k to 10.6k (Chain of Honor + 3/3/3/3 Magic Orb + Griffon)
FCR Req(Amy 10%, Shield 35%, Gloves 20%, Belt 20%, Grif 25% = 110%(105% fcr bp needed for Nova build)…can use Chain of Honor for Nova build
FCR Req(Amy 20%…Gloves 20%…Shield 35%…Belt 20%…grif 25% = 120% fcr(117% needed for Lightning build)
ok so…technicly there was missing critical info with some missing maths
Scenario 1(Crescent Moon + Chain + Grif) = slightly better at dealing with mobs whom you broke their lightning immunity over 3/3/3/3 orb, Chain + Grif or even the facet armor
Scenario 2(3/3/3/3 Orb + Facets Armor + Grif) = a lot better at dealing with mobs which WEREN’T lightning immune to begin with but has less resists to all elements
the 200% fcr built you can’t use crescent moon so…stick to 105%-120% for using crescent
pewh…done fixing all of this up
just in case someone wanna verify if there any error…tossing planner code in
(new code for edit 5)
although i’am 100% certain nothing has been overlook this time nor calculated wrongly
…this time >_<
edit 6: minor gear adjustment but UNRELATED to the maths above for the dps
note: rare gloves can only be use with the 2 version using the orb + griffon…Crescent require magefist to meet the 105% fcr bp along griffon
also those are the expensives//a bit costier versions
lazy to make a budget version(with shako) for either mf or more affordable gear…and well…tired of playing in the simulator XD