[NLSC] pgems and lowrunes for sale

Hello everyone, I have 20 prubies, 44 perfect amethysts and many low runes for sale, let me know if you wanna buy something I mainly need runes but charms and nice jewelry, gloves and boots are always welcome :sailboat:

are the prs and pas cheap?
do u have sols and rals?

Oh right, the pricing, I believe I use the standart going rates- 42 pammies for jah, 20 prubies for vex or similar value. I have 10 rals, willing to sell them for ist. Low runes go 20 for ist with a couple of exceptions… 15 sols for ist mal or something similar. I forgot to mention that I also have 160 junk crafting jewels for sur. In my shop gul=ist=token=5 perfect amethysts…