Gheeds: 38mf
War Cries Gc
3frw / 3 max dmg / 16A.R. (2Gul 2Ist 2Mal current b.o.)
3 max dmg / 11A.R. / 19life
1-27 lightning dmg + 100 poison
King Slayer in pb
Call to Arms in pb (6 battle commands, 2 B.o., 4 battle cry)
Ist’d Ali-baba x 1
Eternity in pb
Wisp Projector (+15 light absorb, 18mf)
2 x Dwarf Star
War Travs, 38mf, +190defence
Anni, 12/18/5
You want to pay a vex for both jav skillers, including one with 27 life?
Yeah, unless youd like to counter offer with you thoughts. What you think?
Just been informed your lifer is worth an ohm. So maybe ill up that to ist for plain and ohm for lifer. My bad.
Lo for SoJ - Deathhusk#1842
Will you take three Pul for these?
Plain has sold, but Ohm works for the lifer. I’m a nub in these trading forums. How do we proceed to in-game trade?
Ahem, you sell the SoJ yet? I can add you.
Hi, was trying to reply but this system wouldn’t let me? Weird. Anyway, yeah Lo works. I’m a nub to the trading forum here. How do we proceed to ingame trade.
So depends, you can add people on bnet…when you respond to people there full tag shows up on the top left.l, if they dont leave their tag. And then either you can create a game and password or just join from friends list. And ill take that lifer charm still
I’ll add you, then just accept. Looks like we are already friends.
ok, sounds good I’ll load up the game and add you
So also for future forum guidance…as a new guy to the forum you cant respond multiple times in a row. So at the end of this leave it open without replying. That way you can bump it back to the top in a few days.
Welcome and good luck, thanks for trade!
Another option if that you can use a single post to reply to multiple people. Highlight the relevant text, a button will appear that says “quote”. You can do this multiple times and thus you can reply to multiple people with one post.
mal + pul for the 3 and they’re yours