[NL]] Rune Value List (and more)



Pul = 3 Lem
Um = 2 Pul
Mal = Um + Pul
Ist = Mal + Um (change)
Gul = 1.5 Ist
Vex = 3 Ist
Ohm = 5 Ist
Lo = 10 Ist
Sur = 15 Ist (2 Sur = Ber)
Ber = 30 Ist
Jah = 40 Ist
Cham = 5 Ist
Zod = 9 Ist


Vex = 2.5 Ist
Ohm = 5 Ist
Lo = 10 Ist
Sur = 13 Ist
Ber = 26 Ist
Jah = 23 Ist
Cham = 3 Ist
Zod = 6 Ist


1 green ~ 1.5-2 yellow (most sellers want 2 though and few even 3)
1 green ~ 5 blue
1 green ~ 5-10 red


10 Pgms (random) = Pul
40 Pgms (random) = Ist
12 P amethysts = Ist
27 P rubies = Ist
30 P skulls = Ist

40 chipped gems: Um


Token of Absolution = Ist
40x junk jewels = Um
8x Spirit pack (Tal Thul Ort Amn Hel) = Mal
20x Ral = Ist
3X4 Keyset = Vex
unid torch = Vex


Paladin Combat = 1.5 to 2 Ist
Offensive Auras = Lem-Pul
Defensive Auras = No Value

Lightning = 1.5 to 2 Ist
Fire = Um
Cold = Um

Warcry = Lem-Pul
Masteries = Lem (30-34 GF x1.5 | 35-39 GF x2 | 40 GF x3)
B Combat = Lem

Javelin = Ist to 1.5 Ist
Passive & Magic = Pul
Bow = Pul

Psn & Bone = Um-Mal
Nec Summoning = Lem + Pgms
Curses = No value

Elemental = Um
Shapeshifting = Pul
Dru Summoning = Pul

Traps = Mal to Ist
Shadow = Pgms
Martial Arts = Pgms


Leave this up Jeger, its a good table to base everything on. :sunglasses:

Good to see the effort, though just my 2 cents on this as you will find that over time these values will change quickly.

It’s much easier to maintain a rune value chart as rune values remain fairly static, as they are somewhat pegged a lot on the Horadric Cube formula for upgrading runes. Obviously there are exceptions to this but the point is that rune values are fairly static.

By contrast, Perfect Amethysts for example were valued at 18-22 per Ist back in early May, but have sharply gone up in price since then, trading at 10-13 per Ist now.

What that means for you and this thread is that you will need to much more frequently update the valuations. Not sure if this is something that you’re prepared to keep doing.

I am prepared to keep updating, but I will rely on people like you letting me know when things get off. I will make the change to pammys.

I have made this list so I don’t make stupid lowball offers. :smiley:

Thanks! Mark


Just bring this to the top guys

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Great job man, keep it up. I see very often games where people offer mal for 40 PG, after lookig at this, feels like ripoff. They stand for long time, so i guess that sell isnt working well…

Bumping this back to the top.

Bumping it back up, worth keeping it handy for observation

what about keys? I want to buy a set for doing Ubers can some1 help to price check those?

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Nice work! Imo the prices of below ones are slightly different than what you listed:

  • offensive auras, I have one with gf and got exactly zero offers in the last couple of weeks, can’t imagine a plain one would fetch Um
  • plain/useless secondary mod warcry Lem-Pul, Um if the buyer is desperate

I dropped both to Lem-Pul.

There seems to be very low demand right now, and I think the price of everything other than gems and runes might be dropping at the moment. I’m not going to over react, but don’t be surprised if you get less than what you see here.

I think a key set is an Ist to an Ist-Mal

Can someone confirm?

NL I’ve seen 3x3 at 2x Ist and 4x3 (or unid torch) at Vex. Just a rough idea, never really traded those yet

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If that’s the case, prices have gone up. I haven’t shopped for them in a couple months.


Keys seem to be valued by price of unid torches, I usually see them going for vex or 3x4 keys.

That would be what I have seen.

OK - I’m putting them in.


Free Bump 202020202020

Thanks for making this. Ill dig it out and bump it.

It seems to me the price of Mals and Ums is going up. I have not seen two Mals for an Ist any more - now it seems like a Mal and an Um. Are others seeing this?


Yes I agree. Mals are getting more rare I suppose.