Nice a login queue

Anyones opinion on the new login queue they are talking about for the next update?

I rather have queues than item loss due to rollbacks.

It feels horrible to login again and see your newest items are gone.


Maybe also initiate a queue for refunds lol


I’d rather queue for a bit than be unable to play on my days off. While the ideal solution is to have neither a queue is an acceptable compromise in my eyes if it means getting a solution sooner rather than later.

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classic diablo had game queues right before resurrected came out and the wait time was like hours and hours. it broke the game. i’m sure the unintended consequences of blizzard implementations will be far worse than their hoped for improvements

It’s could be better or worse, depends how Blizzard will do that… If they don’t split regions better than US / EU / ASIA it will probably have queues about to hour on peak times! So in this way, it means not a good choice, but keep the game playable for all. The better option is clearly decentralize more their servers to regions like South America, Africa, Oceania… That should relieve regions servers, lowering queue time even in peak time! Anyway, will continue to be possible log in other region for trade or things like these aswell! talking about that, we come to a bad subject, which is the tendency in recent years for Blizzard to centralize its services in Europe and the United States… This clearly doesn’t work well, as the hour queues in WoW tend to repeat themselves but slightly less in Diablo 2, unfortunately! I don’t have a good feeling for the future right now.

Just region lock the game and queues won’t be a problem.

True, but then again, people would then complain they’re region locked and can’t play with others they want to play with.

Blizzard is “damned if they do, damned if they don’t”.

No matter what solution they come up with, someone’s bound to be unhappy, somewhere. I’m in agreement with their plan, however- gradual increases, etc. Sure people farming are going to be a bit upset, but it could be worse… as in not playing at all.

As a side note I still wish they’d communicate directly in their own forums BEFORE all the social media BS, instead of prioritizing that first.

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did you read the blue post? this wont change anything the problem is too many people hitting the regional servers causing them to crash.

Though i think it is sad that they can’t handle a few hundred thousand people online at a time if you look at steam they have multiple games that have that level of engagement daily and 3 that are over half a million right now.

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So, locking region or putting some queue isn’t fix the problem, that should be solved with more region options!

this wouldn’t fix it with how he described the architecture. It’s like adding another on-ramp to the highway during rush hour.

They communicated with us. That’s all I need in exchange for inconveniences like a login queue. Doesn’t bother me.

or just improving the server codes functionality as this is hardly the most popular game on the internet and some how others stay online with more packed global server

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For me this is really bad, with a family, i can only play like 30mins. So if i have to wait 20mins to login i just don’t have time to play then… I see how it goes but probly a refund for me because i will not be able to play anymore…

In 2021 why are login queues even necessary with the server architecture companies have access to? I’m not really sure when these became a solution, but in a game about trading which involves hopping on and off sometimes instead of farming non stop, queues don’t work.

It’d be helpful if you position in queue updated more frequently. I sat here and watched it sit at 230. 10 min later it updated to 160 something. Might be confusing for folks who are expecting it to behave like the WoW queue. Also an ETA would be nice. Then some tolerance for players who experience crashes. It is possible for applications to log how they exit (user action, crash, etc) and if the application is not ended by an end user they should be able to jump. Although putting effort into optimize a feature they plan to retire probably isn’t overly beneficial long term. Given how slow the queue seems to count down it definitely seems like they do not have the capacity in the games current state to handle their peaks. Definitely seems like expanding capacity to stabilize the game in its current state then rolling back that infrastructure once they’ve fixed all of the issues causing it to be unstable currently would be best. There is a difference between your databases being over run by high player volume and creating too many games too quickly and authenticating to a server with capacity to support your session.

The “Classic” experience all over :smiley: Money > user experience