New Runewords miss the mark!

Let’s start off with Metamorphosis, to be frank there isn’t anything wrong with the runeword itself. I think the the price is good for what you get, personally I would prefer if it had 10-30 res all instead of just a flat 10, that would make it a bit more desirable but I think its ok and like that it can go in any helm not just pelts. The real issue here is it takes almost 30 seconds to change into werewolf hit something turn into a human then turn into a bear hit something else. Please make it so you can switch directly from wolf to bear. While you’re at it please fix the glaring issue of not being able to tele while wildshaped that is the actual issue why no one plays shifter druids.

Next the five helms Bulwark, Cure, Ground, Hearth and Temper; please change Io to a lower rune so this can be used at level 30 or lower, you are making these worthless for their best use case, low level dueling by having them cost an Io. Besides that Hearth needs cannot be frozen, cold damage is pretty ignorable but all melee characters need cannot be frozen and without that this helm is worthless. Also Cure really sucks, the only time it is useful is against hell andy and frankly I wouldn’t bother this needs something extra to be worth while maybe cleansing or prayer aura, but as is just to weak.

Let’s jump into hustle, first off the weapon. This has a level 39 requirement due to the Ko rune so that means its competition is harmony, passion, unbending will, and obedience. Sure Hustle gives you Burst of Speed but it doesn’t have enough ED to actually be used for anything but prebuffing, give it at least 250 ED and maybe crushing blow or deadly strike so it can be more than a prebuff item. The armor on the other hand is just bad, at no point in time is this worth the runes, there is no reason to make this when you could make the hustle weapon and get a better version of most of what is on the armor. The armor needs 10-30 Res All and needs one of the following: Blessed Aim, Vigor, or Tele Charges to be able to compete with other armors you can get at the end of nightmare beginning of hell which are its competition like Smoke, Lionheart, Treachery, and Duress. The hustle armor is designed to compete with twitch an armor I can wear at level 16 see an issue here, I do?

So that leaves us with Mosaic, to start with its too expensive to what it does, Mal Gul is just too much for 25 chance to not consume charges and 200-250 ed just makes these claws really painful to use. Assuming we aren’t changing the runes on this I see to ways to make this useable. The first is bump up the chance to 100% then I can use whatever else I want as my off hand. If the goal really is to make this the claws for martial sin then bump the chance to 50% and ED to 220-320.

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Agreed. We have many of the same suggestions, adding CBF to Hearth and cleansing aura to Cure. I also like GF on Temper given the name and CtC nova when struck on Ground. I also think they all need max resist to keep the resistance angle of these helms…