New idea for Hustle (To prevent pre-buff)

Most of people complaining about Hustle says that pre-buff is annoying and that this Pre-buff would kill Faith Runeword for Bowazon.

I have this idea :
Replace the Chance to cast Burst of speed level 9 on Strike
Chance to gain a stack of Frenzy level 5 on hit

Level 5 Frenzy last only 6 secondes
Attack speed is +7 to 27% (full stacked) vs +45% flat from BoS
Run/walk speed is +47 to 119% (full stacked) vs 52% flat from BoS

This could also be implemented on armor, for exemple, 75% chance when struck.

The low duration of the buff would restrain people to use the runeword permently.

Barb would have the possibility to synergize with Increase Stamina for an additionnal 8 secondes duration.

What you guys think?

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nvm. ignore post. ------------------

I do like the idea, an additional buff that doesn’t show any likelihood of unnecessarily breaking itemisation balance.