New Cube Recipe to Fix Them All

It is actually incredibly easy to obtain end-game items. The hard part is spending the time to maximize your findings, to min-max your gear by repeatedly replacing the gear you found with better rolled or perfectly rolled versions of your gear, or replacing it with something better.

But finding the items is the easy part. Kill, kill, kill and kill.
It mostly seems like a daunting task to spend the time to farm because of the bar most of us set as the ‘norm’ as we can spend hundreds to thousands of hours a year farming… but realistically you need a 3-5 hours a day at best. Some times far less.

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Or they can just bring the corruption mechanic from poe and the d2 mods. It will 100% strengthen the player economy and make gambling for buffed uniques a big chase.

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It doesn’t need to be this complicated. All melee weapons need to have their base damage increased by about 50%. ED effects on uniques need to be adjusted according to rarity and tier. Some needs 50% more, some need 100-150% more to justify their existence. Keep in mind, even with these buffs, the runeword meta for melee weapons remains untouched.

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Or how about we fix the items.

Reminder to add new cube recipe to make existing unique usable for higher end game level

Reminder that bumping posts is considered spam.

I guess its better to remake the entire topic to revive the conversation. I almost did create new but remembered there was a previous topic created a while back, which seemed more sensical to bump. But, like many rules, they are not derived on logic…

Which I’m sure your proposals to make the game easier will continue to be looked upon unfavorably by the community.

There’s nothing challenging about equipping broken OP runewords

Yeah Im sure the majority of the community looks unfavorably upon improving essentially useless items to make them useable at later levels / having some more usuable item options rather than the small handfull that currently exist. Especially now considering hardly anyone is playing, let alone playing for the countless hours needed to make the top runewords etc.

With that said, I would revise my original post to reduce the cost of these upgrades, especially with new and casual players in mind.

New and casual players would love to be able to upgrade common uniques for a chance at having good items at higher level, vs spending 100s and 1000s of hours to find some high runes.

I don’t think you understand the concept of lower level items… They are meant to be stepping stones to better items that you find later on… They aren’t meant to level up with you.

This is a loot grind ARPG, not a loot upgrade ARPG.

The game can be played and beaten without OP runewords. So your idea that high runes are required is nonsense.

And they can still do that. I simply propose the option to upgrade said items to be more functional. Also, unique generally do not compete with rune words, so why not make them competitive via a cube upgrade. Easy to create runewords greatly surpass the best uniques.

These ideas always end up terrible and should be considered with a huge amount of skepticism. If they’re being proposed by rands, or those whose claims to fame are the fact that they wrote down what they found in trav every run, they’re probably not what this game needs.

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Nothing stopping there from being so. They just needed to stop nerfing the mobs, and buffing the player.

When people ask for outrageously broken OP runewords to be nerfed, those using them cry

When people ask for options other than runewords to be viable, people cry “then game is easy baww”. The game is already east due to OP broken runewords

The game was better when it wasnt everyone using identical runewords and other options were viable

Depends on how you define “Viable.” I’m assuming you don’t actually mean viable at all, but “competitive on times with the top X number of builds.”

Cause you can absolutely wreck all of the content in the game without a single runeword. (Yes even barbs.)

you should keep in mind that some of us don’t even play 3 hours per week.

Edit: I’m not asking to get handed the top itamz on a platter. One can easily beat the game with SF gear.

It’s a game, people are not going to go subpar builds when there’s broken runewords floating around. You can sit there and spout nonsense about how your throwing barb and potion throwing barb can kill things and claim its viable, when other builds clear the game 50x faster

Sounds like a people problem, not a game problem.

And I’m running a throwing barb atm lol. Throwing barb is actually legit btw…

The game is made for people, claiming that the game shouldnt be balanced because people can choose to go subbar weaker builds is a nonsense argument