I cannot count the reasons on my hand why this runeword is useless.
It’s not even as good as a Windforce or even an upgraded Buriza, which the Cham alone is worth more than both WF and Buriza combined.
That’s too bad.
They should have just created a mage bow that was ACTUALLY good for freezing arrow/immolation arrow, ect ect. That would have been a viable choice of a runeword to use over Faith, for a different type of build structure.
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still dont know how the synergies will be changed to improve elemental bow skills. everyone is jumping to conclusions so quickly
I mean that’s part of the problem though. Why reveal runewords before we know game changes that could possibly make them useful?
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Nice option if you want to do a cold zon and find a Cham first/use your Jah elsewhere.
Got a Jah yesterday and finally made Faith, so I guess this one comes too late, but cool for a different option.
i`m very hype trying this on my physical bowazon
a other great option
add too the game
is going to be a expensive build 
100% Piercing Attack mean other option for belt and skill point
For you, you mean. But you never know, maybe a spec someday will rise to power that can’t use Fanaticism, but CAN use Concentration. Or, more probably, a paladin build that uses Fanaticism AND would like Concentration as well.
Remember this is going to be a Ladder runeword thus whatever gear you currently have is irrelevant.
I am excited about throwing this on my Rouge. Oleana (yes she will be reincarnated on the ladder) will love the piercing, freeze and sharing an aura with me for a change! Fanat and Concentration! love it. That will add 2K dps to my mid-geared zealot and 6K dps to a pimped out zealot!
looks like hot garbage for an actual bowazon. By the time you can build of these You’ll have a windforce or faith or both…
so is that pierce the good pierce like in the old days or the bad pierce that we got now?
i`m guessing is not the old broken pierce that hit you 4 or 5 time and stun lock you with Guided Arrow
but still this allow zon to change belt for String of Ears more leech and dr% or maybe Nosferatu’s Coil +10 ias and maybe save a few skill point , merc are dump i will maybe give faith to my merc
or use act2 merc idk will need some test
look like cool but probably meh, the issue why using merc act2 mostly because break immune, have 9999 damage but immune cant be damaged, for what…
each act merc should have break immunity item
I’d agree, I’d rather have a bow like WitchWild that procs amp more. This is still a solid bow for a rouge though.
Because Act 2 mercs currently have…everything? They aren’t the act mercs that are in need of something to make them useful.
Also, for this to be worth it that +cold DMG needs to come up. A lot. Otherwise it’s worthless on a merc since lack of skill points prior to LV 95+ means you’re going to need that extra elemental damage to come from somewhere, and if it isn’t here, you might as well give the merc a Harmony instead since that at least deals with physical immune and cold immune mobs, which seem to be the most numerous in the game.
FWIW, this doesn’t appear to be intended primarily for the mercenary. I mean, that +3 skills isn’t going to be doing much of anything on them.
Problem being, you’re likely to find Jah + Ohm before finding Cham – even though Cham is ‘worthless’ on ladder, valued lower than Vex, only pulled up by the fact that it is half a Zod.
…this ups the value, but I don’t think the value will make it worth much more than half a Zod – a value it has because of it’s ability to create Zod, not because it’s used in runewords.
Thus, it’s value is largely unaffected by a mediocre runeword.
You’re not finding Cham in singleplayer during the story. So.
Diablo 2’s design is thoroughly confused.
So full of gear you’re literally never going to find playing through the actual game – so full of gear you only have a chance to find after finishing the game.
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well, we dont know what 2.4 has in petto for rogues. they said they will add AoE skills for them, meaning they will either get freezing arrow or ice arrow and exploding arrow or immolation arrow.
Pretty sure they preferenced a lot of the new rune words by saying that remember these runewords can be used by mercs. I assume some of these were made to make less used mercs better.
That would be nice, but again, unless there are massive changes to mercs, most people will still use A2 mercs aside from a few builds. They need to really shake things up and I don’t see these new runewords doing that yet.
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nice bow to hold for my summoning necro with my act 2 merc