New big change = In game trading system


How does boting affect single players?

The #1 problem of Diablo is the lack of improvements

Uniques need a rework
Crafting needs a rework
Game needs loot filter
Game needs player agency endgame
Game needs synergy rework
Game needs immunity rework

didn’t know we’re discussing single player here. I thought that it’s discussion.

But I agree, trading in general doesn’t affect single player because there is no trading KEKW

This topic I believe is about trading system not in-game improvements that we can list probably more than 100 that could be good and half of them would be necessary.
For now it’s:
Forums → General Discussion → New big change = In game trading system

You are the one that said Diablo as a whole

Not Online/bnet Diablo

It was called action house in D3 to do just that, prvent 3rd party trading. It failed horribly, it was considered p2w. Just like 3rd party websites.

D2jsp isn’t selling ber runes for $3 as far as I know.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if we could play as our merc online with a controller?

The “new big change” are the Terror Zones. Why do so many people not get that?

Also in a game with such rare item drops like D2 there will always be bots. You’d have to turn the game into D3 (so much loot that you’re done after a week and random maps) to get rid of them. Or remove trading.

D3 has bots. New world has bots. Wow has bots. You’re not stopping bots.