New big change = In game trading system

What’s the difference between a third party site and something that blizzard implements? … ?

Well to those you’re asking it probably is the fact that there wouldn’t be any sort of possible money aspect to it, but it still wouldn’t kill JSP or actual RMT. Also I really cannot think of a way they could make a common currency without seriously reworking D2R as a whole. Like lets say you could trade in game gold for stuff on an in game marketplace. Cool, but what would 10 million in game gold be worth? Probably not even a lem rune.

Check out the Path of Diablo marketplace trade website, it’s a good example of what could be brought to D2R.

everything is stealing but taxes sounds better?

Are you sure you cannot think of a “common currency”
… just think for half of a second, and realize you immediately used a rune to measure something’s “value” :laughing:

Obviously any in-game trade system would be based on runes as currency. :roll_eyes:

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Runes are too vague. How do you list the prices for 3 different shako’s with different defenses in runes? Or torches?

And since runes have uses besides currency, their values don’t compare with each other well. Ral is the most valuable of the low runes: how will the marketplace list item? Random order?

Aren’t we Mr. Clueless. Runes are an item in game, I could have said 10 million IGG is worth a tal rasha mask as well. A run currency would never work because runes aren’t currency they’re an item. Not only that, but lets say I craft a perfect druid ammy, absolutely the best of all time. How are you going to get your hands on 80 ber runes or 50 unid griffons to pay me?

runes are enough as currency, no need to overcomplicate anything with another one

just list it and see what you get for it, let people fight over it
sure in the end you will be getting what people are willing to pay for it

yeah, bc their value is determined by their use
if you give each rune a static value in an in-game trade platform they all will get a new use and a new value

But why runes?
the most important factor in favor of runes is that they can be used and removed from the market (crafting) which is a counter inflation natural perk of runes

with a blizz currency all you gonna have is inflation and inflation over and over like a country that had the same president for over 30 years and an apple there costs millions in local currency

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nice #1 post sir. But have a bad news for you:
D2JSP is the reason why this game is still alive and that we have D2R now :slight_smile: it would be dead loooong time ago if we didn’t have place to trade with each other. We still don’t have, but we have D2jsp so we’re good.

And d2jsp for me is just a site where I can sell/buy items for imaginary currency. I think most (and I mean 99%) of D2R players that are using jsp didn’t spend a single $ on forum gold. This game lacks universal currency - as simple as that.
And really I don’t give a damn if they were selling bots there or not. nowadays this site is solving my in-game problems. Blizzard will never introduce auction house again :smiley:

An by the way, it’s your choice how you use the site. You don’t have to spend FG on day1 ladder. you can always donate it and forget about it or buy different games with it/pay your streaming platform/etc. Choice is yours. But don’t forget that everyone has that choice

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I dunno, d2/lod where trade lobby actually works folks would just use that…

I suppose im somewhat agreeing with you but Blizz dont even need to go so far as creating an in game trading platform if its just to get rid of annoying trade game squatters…just fix the darn lobby!

In game trading platform wont get rid of 3rd party though as that requires more drastic measures.

d2jsp, and any other former bot maker, are part of the reason this game was abandoned so early by its company and dev team

and anyone who supports it is nothing but a bot lover and potential cheater


It’s easy to throw word without any explanation nor proof lol

What you just said means absolutely nothing lol

The game wasn’t abandonned, blizzard North got dismantled lol

blizzard North didn’t abandoned the game either, they were aiming to make Diablo 2 a MMoarpg and even while working on D3, they still released patches for d2

A in-game trading system would be a dream man, I would love it.

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do i need to prove how bad botting was for d2?


I never considered botting to be an issue

And you fail to explain why if botting is an issue for player, it would be an issue for the devs… why would they abandon the game based on this

i dont need to
botting being a problem and despicable among players is common ground
for some is the unfair advantage, to others is the pay to win
as i said, i dont need to explain why something is know to be bad

their words
they were tired of vivendi
they were tired of diablo it self
sure having to fight bots in a daily basis contributed to this

Well I have never used diablo 2 bot in my life and I’m not using any single cheat for d2r. Joke on you sir :slight_smile:
And btw I agree that bots are the #1 problem of diablo.

well then

let your actions speak for you

stop supporting anyone and anything that has ever been related to bots

I won’t stop using d2jsp. This site now has nothing to do with promoting bots. Blizzard needs to solve this problem.

You should stop hurting yourself and start using the only good site for trading :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

if thats what makes you sleep at night

dont worry about me, with traderie and discord ive made a nice fortune for my account