New big change = In game trading system

Majority has not a lot of saved FG on JSP, they would jump the ship 100%. Not to mention that plenty of people would start to get rid of their FG to buy stuff ingame to tranfer to d2R trading system. Its not like they would leave their FG there. But it could create panic on JSP, where too many people will be just selling FG and not buying and that would totaly mess with prices there :slight_smile:

But you can ban all accounts that you can asociate with those ingame. I didnā€™t read t&c of d2r, but I would assume that using RMT pages to buy items might be somewhat breaking those.

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Interesting but apart from real money there isnā€™t a viable currency in game. Gold is ridiculously easy to get. The other thing would be runes I suppose.

D2 already has a currency already in use by the players; runes and gems. Most people are theorizing that this new feature is a currency tab. Just make a marketplace, price setting using runes, gems, keys, organs, hell even Standard of Heroes as currency. Find an item you want on marketplace that costs 2 Ists and 2 P Amy, click buy, the runes and gems deducted from your currency tab, and you place the bought item in your stash. Boom, done.

And pray tell, how do you do so? Donā€™t just say do this or that, without saying how to. Itā€™s the same as telling poor people to ā€œstop being poorā€ without showing how to. How do you expect Blizzard to identify people using jsp? Everyone opening a web browser while playing D2R?

People complain about an issue and propose a real, working solution is a hero. People who complain without being able to give even the slightest solution is just pure whiner.


Somehow they can do it somewhat good in wow? For sure you can analyze trades in game. Two random guys, that did not have any interaction before is sending 3 ber for nothing? Well, that must be good ol friends catching up after 40 years of not seeing each other. The guy who sends those berā€™s have also 250 other long lost friends? Well, I bet they are having great reunion.

But donā€™t worry, Blizz wonā€™t hire anyone to moderate some old game :slight_smile:

And solution was already writen a loot of times. In-game marketplace. You pick item that you have, set price in runes and/or pgems. Buyer sets offer, you accept or decline. Or the other way around. You have runes and/or pgems and want to buy some gear? Go ahead, put offer on the marketplace.

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you dont need any of that

we need an auction house where every trade must go through it and has no buyout option, just bid

No we need a marketplace, not an auction house.


And what you will outbid with? Itā€™s not like we get anything like gold in wow. How would you check if something have more value than other thing? Unless you will have strict and fixed ā€žrune/gem rate tableā€ (which is not possible) I canā€™t see this happening.

We donā€™t need a auction house but a marketplace. You put an item up and people can bid and you can accept one bid.

If you just want a rune for example, then there could be an option to buy directly

A restricted ā€œAuction Houseā€ would be the worst thing they could do, and it would result in, no change. Everyone would stay on JSP, RMT, All other third party sites, and only a few would use the AH for a few trades here and there because of being locked to an AH.

If they kept it simple and allowed for multiple types of trades, INCLUDING AUCTION, with a currency like FG that cannot be bought for RMT, and if hte majority want it to reset every ladder, so be itā€¦

They would win over a VAST MAJORITY of traders.

How great would it be to find a Ber rune early on, or an Andies vissage, and you decided you wanted the gold more than the item at that time, so you click on it in your stash, move to Sale Tab, select the type of trade: BIN (Set a price) or Auction (set a reserve, time limit for highest bid) or Barter(Set item(s) you would be interested in), ect ect and off you go back to playing while other players browsing the Sale Tab or screen, can go to your item and bid on in, BIN it, make an offer, ect all while you remain playing.

Sounds great to me!

No, addingn some other currency is not the solution. Should only be items traded for other items

Why? When the most successful trade platform in the history of D2 has had a currency, NOT ITEMS, and is still going strong today, I think it would be foolish not to utilize it.

Read my FG thread, youll see the valid points. Item for Item should be an option, not the restriction.

I donā€™t get why people donā€™t just play singleplayer if they donā€™t want to play with other humans or use battlenet mechanics.

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What does that have to with anything I wrote?

How about reply to me, or do you not have any good reason why a FG currency would benefit greater than using runes or item for item only?

Because D3 showed that it didnā€™t work.

The currency I am advocating for, has nothing to do with the D3 Auction House.

I could see it work if it was restricted, no way of buying the currency and it was reset every ladder.

But there is one problem, how should the currency be created?

Discussion is happening here D2R Needs FG Trading

There was one idea on creating it with non quest based objectives every ladder season, make it non farmable/exploitable, everyone gets a set amount to earn each season.

Or Blizzard gifts FG with each ladder just based on we purchased the game.

There are ways.

Im torn on the reset every ladder, but not a deal breaker. If I find a GG item early in ladder like a Ber rune when prices are high, if the currency resets, how am I supposed to sell it for top value?