Necromancer - what would you change in skills

Lets continus with another class :slight_smile:

Hey, I dont want to wait for Blizzard to improve diablo 2 Resurrected so i decided to do it myself atleast for offline play with some modding. I am thinking about various ideas, but I would like to hear from others too so thats why i make this topic.

I would like to hear from you what is wrong with Necromancer. Is something too strong? Is something too weak? should some skills be changed? Maybe some skills does cost too much mana or should do more, maybe new synergies between skills to make new builds? Maybe is something too strong? Maybe complete skill replacement? Please share any idea how you think sorceress skills could be improved or changed and try to explain why if you can.

I am open to any suggestion and like all ideas but try to not go too radical, i am trying to improve d2 and make mostly better what already exist. Not create 10 completely new skills :slight_smile:

What do I think about necromancer? Curses are really not that great because majority of them is not used so something should be done about them. Poison part of skill tree also lack as only Poison nova is really usefull. Maybe buff skeleton mages slightly? Golems should deserver some love too. maybe ability to summon more of them at once?

wont make 10 new skills? I feel attacked.

Poison dagger and poison explosions bads. give andy poison bolt, and mummy poison breathe skill ssinstead. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well feel free to give me some ideas its possible some skills are beyond saving in current state so i will maybe use completely new skills :slight_smile:

Any interesting idea can be later also used on sets or unique items or runewords.

I like that actualy :slight_smile:

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ok, compiling on this. F trangs set, make the turn you into a Greater Mummy, and give poison skills and Poison % damage and stuffs.

I’d love to use the Blood golem, just love the look of the thing, but it can’t beat the slow% of Clay. Definitely needs some incentive to use, a passive aura that damages enemies and heals your posse or something.

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I wonder if clay golem should even have slow to be honest.

What if Blood golem would actualy have aura with +% life or prayer aura?

If you removed the slow from Clay golem, you would also ruin the boss strategy. It may be a bit overpowered to slow bosses to a near complete stop, but it sure is a fun and satisfying way to deal with them.

Bone spirit:

Costs life to cast base on a %

This %life is added to the spell

The bone spirit explodes dealing aoe damage on hit

  • Bone wall and prison

Now deal thorn damage based on a % of their life

This thorn damage is small aoe explosions of bone fragments

  • summons rework

Golem mastery and skeleton mastery are no more, it’s now summon mastery

Summon skill are now 1 maximum summon at all levels

Summon mastery boosts your summons but also dictates your maximum summoned units

Golems are worth 5 units, skeletons 2, revive 3

Making it so you can have multiple golems at once

  • curses

Now start at a much lower effect, inciting people to invest in them

Curses with 20 hard points no longer count toward maximum curse on monsters, allowing you to multi curse

curses are divided in 2 categories: affliction and damnation, can have both on same monster

Afflictions are curses that change the behaviour of the monster like weaken, terror, dim vision

damnations are damage oriented ones like lower resist, decrep, amp

  • Poison explosion

Global change to Poison, “reduce Poison length” affix now also applies to poison you deal, concentrating its damage

This allows you to reduce the high damage but super long duration of Poison explosion to short and hard

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meh. you can always cheese them with iron maiden + golem combo too. the max slow cap on act bosses is not strict enough.

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I’ve found that the IM strategy is not quite as effective, heck, Duriel on normal can’t kill even a single skeleton if you open the fight by immediately casting Decrep and Clay. Even Diablo can only take out a few skeletons if he manages to fire of the red lightning.

yea. slow is just super op against bosses. i think slow should at least have lower effect on higher players count.

the thing i would change on necromancer. on poison dagger skill. mana cost capped at 3 and poison duration capped at 2 seconds. and increase the max possible attacks per frames on it.

Blood golem life leech from iron maiden / thorns aura damage. and possibly added synergy.

I think improved AI for summons. Maybe an “issue order” thing added. To attack specific monster.

Poison dagger - make it Always hit and separate poison dmg from other poisons and every second it reduces poison resistance by -1%. So you can apply poison dagger and then hit monster/s with Nova, Explosion.

Poison explosion = change to behave like Corpse explosion, with 50% poison 50% phys dmg. But poison has short duration like 0,4 second like Venom.

Teeth piercing.

Bone spirit small AoE dmg upon impact.

Revamp curses, they are just 1-point wonders. Maybe makes each curse a synergy for some summon or bone poison skill.

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Well I cant certainly make them smarter, its beyond my powers of simple modder.

But I think its possible to do some stuff with monsters like give attack priority to maggot eggs for example.

I was thinking about Druid Ravens skill. I think when you summon a raven over a monster, other ravens go and start attacking the monster. Is it still true or true at all?

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It is somewhat possible to manipulate their targeting, like running past shamans to get the summons to swap targets, but it can certainly be a bit frustrating.

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it’s true. tested it myself. and also one of my suggestion before patch.

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  • change clay golem to bone golem, keep its stats/debuff

Obs: clay has nothing to do with nec lore wise

  • Give CB to blood golem

Obs: blood golem needs a buff, not much cb thou

  • merge poison and corpse explosions

Obs: fire should not be a element necs have free access, so change the fire portion in CE to poison

  • change poison explosion to “poison pit”, a pool that does dot and does not requires a corpse. More sklv, more aoe, more dmg, bigger duration

Obs: PE is redundant to CE, they need to play different

  • change fire golem to poison/putrid golem

Obs: same as CE, fire has nothing to do with necs, so change it into something more lore wise and give him a putrid aura that works like holy fire

  • change skeletal mages to archers with elemental arrows

Obs: SM buff was not enough, it needs to be redone

  • buff revive dmg and increases its duration

Obs: there isnt any other reason to use revive besides CB

  • change confuse to “life steal”, you gain 1% of your max life every time a summon hits an enemy. More sklv more aoe and duration

Obs: confuse has become redundant with attract. LT is made for melee and others, life steal is for you

  • change bone wall to “bone wave”, creates a circular wave of bones that retracts and push monsters to its center. No dmg, more sklv more aoe

Obs: pulling is a cool mechanic present since d1 and nec suffers with scattered enemies, give him an option to deal with it

  • summons should carry over games

Obs: having to resummon almost everything is totally anticlimatic

  • make poison dagger benefit from poison dmg on charms and gear

Obs: poison dagger needs a buff and this would make poison dmg affixes more desirable

  • give bone spear a chance to jump to another target

Obs: every lvl is 10%, once 10 lvls the next lvl will count to an extra projectile (at lvl 40 BS you should have 100% to jump 4 times, at lvl 45 you should have 100% to jump 4 times and 50% to jump a 5th time). BS wont jump to a target already hit by it.

  • give bone spirit a chance to create another projectile on cast

Obs: same nature of BS but single target

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I dont think so, they mostly target same stuff as they are summoned in one place together, they stick together mso when one choose path others logicaly follow.