Natalya's Odium (Full Set) Has no partial set bonuses!?

I was thinking about building a character using this set, and realized this set has no partial set bonuses whatsoever! I feel like I’ve always known this, but I don’t make Assassin characters very often and was really shocked looking at the pieces. Also worth mentioning that kick damage is based on boots, and these ones aren’t very good (at least you can up them to boneweave).

The other elite character sets grant some decent bonuses even when wearing the partial set, Tal Rasha’s is a perfect example. This one would definitely be due for some sort of help, also Aldur’s. Actually, it’s almost like the two expansion characters got zero love from the sets! If sets ever get buffed, these two should be on the top of the list. Also, just add some sockets to the weapon.

Anyways, does anyone have any fun things they’ve tried with Nat’s set? Trying to break away from the usual and have some fun ripping around with different builds.

2.9 Class Set Overhaul ← I’ve updated this quite a bit over the past few years but yes Natalya Set doesn’t have Partial Set bonuses on the equipment themselves. It doesn’t even have +Skills save for Shadow Disciplines(ignoring MA and Traps). Yet it does have Partial Set Bonuses, just not to a specific piece but rather Global. You get 15 MDR with 2 items and 200 Defense with 3 items. It arguably has one of the strongest, if not the strongest Complete Set Bonus though with an additional 15 MDR, 14% Life and Mana Leech and 30% Physical Resistance(big one here given Fade exists) to go with the typical +3 Class Skills and 50 All Resistance each Class Set has. Aldur has Partial Set bonuses, just +15 to a respective Stat for each item equipped up to a maximum of +45(Helm = Energy, Weapon = Strength, Boots = Dexterity and Armor = Vitality). Also has Global Partial Set bonuses in 150% Attack Rating and 50% MF.

As for fun things tried with Nat’s Set, I haven’t dabbled with her in a long, long time. Back then I tried a Blades of Ice MA build with Shadow Killer as the other Claw. Was before the time of Sunder Charms, Mosaic and MA Skill changes so she struggled against Cold Immunes but against everything else, she was quite fun given the CC it had combined with Cloak of Shadows.

I feel like Nats and Aldurs were put in with zero thought and effort.


The boots from those should have just been uniques and called it a day.

Almost all my characters use them at some point. A perf Nats is pretty sick.

Thanks for reading,

I mean to be real, this set needs some work so it’s actually useful for the three different assassin skill trees.

Thoughts/suggestions on improvements:


  • Adds kick damage as partial set bonus
  • Adds crushing blow as partial set bonus (Using the full set bricks your boots, armor, weapon, and helmet spots for the crushing blow modifier)


  • Full set gives helmet a global %enhanced damage (Maybe 50-100%? Would help blade skills)


  • Partial set bonus grants faster run/walk


  • Some sort of help with the martial arts skills… maybe -enemy resist for all three elements as well as poison like Tals? This would also greatly benefit traps
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