My only pickle is summons vanishing

everythings great, but having to move slowly, and throwing up town portals every two seconds is kinda a drag…just to make sure my summons are with me, and doesn’t disappear is annoying

i hope you guys are working on a fix! :slight_smile:

pickles!? i’m hunnngry


It is kinda sad that the best way to play summons is to use a skill they don’t even have…teleport. Lets be honest most classes just need teleport.

Necro could really use a “move here” or “attack this” ability.

Every kind of friendly NPC should get an overhaul in my opinion, they just left that very game breaking bug stay in the game with some other ones, I actually expected them to acknowledge this in the release but it seems we need to bring it to their attention

Not just necro’s… everyone should get this ability. It would benefit all summoner builds, but also benefit everyone because you could tell your mercenaries whom to attack and where to go when needed.

However, the people that think this game is 100% perfect as is with class design will fight you with their #nochange mindset.

Hell, D2R essentially made a whole skill in the sorcerer’s tree pointless. I’m looking at you telekinesis.

There are so many abilities in this game that have had me asking what the original devs were thinking. Like Holy Bolt… it only damages undead and heals. I mean why can’t I used holy bolt to put a little bit of holy into demons? I wish Necromancer’s Poison Explosion worked like rabies where if an infected creature gets infected it can spread it to other near-by creatures. Like a disease…

As I’ve said… much of the stuff is extremely dated.

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It would be so nice if summon despawn bug were fixed. I would actually use expensive iron golems. :thinking:


I want a Pride Iron Golem!!!11!1 :stuck_out_tongue:

No I’d probably put that on the merc and make a cheaper IG. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am now imagining a rainbow colored iron golem. The image is burned into my memory, I will likely have nightmares about it. Thanks.

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Mmm, megahordes of revives and skellies with Might/Concentration. Mass death. :stuck_out_tongue:

heard someone mention making harmony golem with metal grid and now I’m obsessed with it

Doesn’t the IG disappear when you leave the game if made with Metalgrid?

That’s what we are talking about, we want them to stay right?

I think they’d need to switch it from being charges to a +oskill for IG to carry between games?

Why would it matter, as it stand right now nothing carries through games, why would it have to be a hard skill to carry

It is a bit annoying that I also need to remap my teleport charges every time I take off my staff or die as well, they should fix that in general haha

Iron golem stays with you when you start a new game when a necromancer summons it. Idk about with metalgrid.

The problem we were talking about is sometimes a summon will just despawn when it tries to teleport to you, if that happens to iron golem you can be out a very expensive item.

I would love if they changed it so minions worked like merc, ie never disappearing. Would be such a great QOL improvement for everybody without teleport.

I have always wondered why they didn’t work like other mercs, but alas I doubt it will be changed after all these years and I’m fine with that, one of my first big vendor purchases is always a staff with teleport charges, can usually find enough vendor trash between town trips to cover charge refills lol.

I’m ware of that problem from when I used to play necro, but almost never do anymore, I don’t really enjoy him very much, maybe at the end of the ladder when I have nothing better to do

I was not aware that you were able to carry you IG from game to game in vanilla, was it in affect in the old D2 or is it new to D2r?

It was in old d2 as well. I knew some folks that used to make beast and pride iron golems back in the day. They were always paranoid about the golem being too far away and played even more slowly than they would have otherwise.

It probably had them taking longer to clear things than they would have without the extra damage auras.

Edit: from d2 wiki:
using a polearm with [Insight Rune Word] will give a walking source of [Meditation], freeing the mercenary’s hands to wield something else. One can even be crazy and use [Beast Rune Word] for [Fanaticism]. Iron Golems will stay around from game to game, so the only way to lose it is if the golem itself or the necromancer dies.
[Metalgrid], a [unique amulet], allows any class to summon high-level Iron Golems. However, the golem produced from this amulet does not carry over to new games. Instead, the summoner is reimbursed with the gold they would have had if they sold the item used to create the iron golem from the previous game.

I’d guess that was a deliberate change to keep people from keeping powerful golems on classes that would not normally have one.

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Yeah that would have been overpowered haha

Thanks for the info, I never played necro that much and less have I used IG with him

making an IG with an expansive items is a better mode the hardcore

I wouldn’t say telekinesis is pointless…