My Issues with Hustle

Hello I’ve done some playing with hustle on flex barb on the PTR. While I really like the burst of speed, and I think a high damage low speed weapon like head strike was perfect to test it with, even in nightmare the damage from Hustle was too low. I think the ED should be boosted to the 200 to 250 range unless base weapon damage is finally going to be increased.

Having hustle on switch will help make the underutilized Death runeword more viable but the fact that it is yet another item competing for my switch slots on barb is very annoying. Already I have to choose between +3 to warcry items, Alibaba for magic find with find item, heart carver rondel for +4 to find item, law bringer for decripify proc, lacerator for amplify damage proc, demon limb for enchant charges and dual wiz spike for FCR with enigma.

I think there is a better way to add the burst of speed proc other than a weapon that is completely worthless other than a proc. I think the bar for power for Hustle should be the same as treachery, a far superior item, because ko has basically the same value as lem.

I don’t have any feedback for hustle in an armor because it is basically useless.