MrLllamaSC Potentially Let Slip: Act 6 may be coming

His mid-sentence “Act Si…” frozen body language spoke volumes… Whether it’s true or not remains to be seen.

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I totally agree with this, but feel like Blizzard could definitely find a continuation to the story. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a bigger threat like we are thinking. In Lord of the Rings, the hobbits return to the shire after everything is said and done, and lead a battle there to kick Saruman’s a**. Merry and Pippin are seen as these battle-hardened heroes in their hometown after such a long journey and developing so many skills.

Maybe we return to the rogue encampment after Baal to encounter a lesser demon has enslaved everyone out of spite, including Cain. Gheed is alone shivering by the campire, in shackles. He says while you were away, this and that happened. And also he has exciting wares to show you if you’re interested.

Or maybe it’s a simple mapping system, I dunno.


just like there’s no cow level :wink:

but for real, I wouldn’t put much stock into it until we get it confirmed.

they’re in the midst of testing their first balance changes, seems like a bit of a leap for them to jump from having some class tweaks on the PTR to adding a new act.

I personally think that sentiment (which is being expressed by lots of people) is an over-reaction.

Where would they go with a new Act for a 20-year-old game? What would it be about?
What can they possibly shoe-horn into the D2 story at this point? I mean, there are three games in this storyline (Immortal, D3, and D4) set AFTER the events of Act V.

If there is going to be an Act VI (again, I think people are reading WAAAAAY too much into Pez’s interjection), I can’t see it being anything more than a garbled, retrofitted mess.

It could be similar to what GGG did for Path of Exile. An entire chapter dedicated purely to end-game. Hopefully not anything like PoE’s end-game as it is trash, in my humble opinion, but maybe content that doesn’t modify the lore.

there’s a diablo model for immortal, so explaining how he could possibly be in that game when he should be dead could be a storyline.

Any act 6 story I’d imagine would be some set up for immortal.

That was my next suspicion too. It is a very real possibility that the D2R team and DI teams got together to tie the games together.

Ok… that might have some possibilities.
To be fair, my concerns are related to the storyline, so if it was content that existed within the confines of the existing D2 storyline, then I could see that possibly working.

I hadn’t considered that possibility, either. I’m not familiar with Immortal’s part of the story, but if there’s room for a set-up to tie the two games together… yeah, that might could work.

The correlation between a hypothetical act VI and the return to the Shire is very low, though.
In Diablo, you can’t have the monsters and bosses of act VI be weaker than those you encountered in the previous acts, so you have to up the stakes, or the players will notice the incoherence with the story. (You can’t possibly have servants of a minor demon be stronger than the forces you fought in hell, or the forces you fought during a siege led by Baal in a battle with the fate of the world in the balance.)

To be fair, most of PoE’s end-game systems are good separately, the issue is just that there’s the accumulation of way too many systems at the same time.

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Have you MET this community?
Or ANY playerbase of any video game, for that matter…

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Yeah I know, the average population leans toward pessimism, unless it’s something they want, then they are extremely optimistic.

Yeah definitely, it might be too awkward to write like that.

Because it was a call out and was radared on the MVP Discord channel. Call outs are generally handled by mods, but this one was pretty specific and the whole call out thing has a tendency to go sideways in a hurry, just like it did in the previous thread. I would expect this thread to get locked soonish since it’s basically a rehash of the first thread.

Well based on a blues post on another thread about this. There is no act 6 in the works. But that could be dmg control.

It was also posted on diablo reddit as well.

Last thing I need is more game to finish before PvP

How about we fix the lobby first???

It was because I privately linked it and asked him about it. Nothing nefarious.


MrLlama also addressed it himself on Twitter today


I’d like to believe him addressing himself is a thing in this field, but the psychology behind it doesn’t match up. He’s a troll, that much is certain but it’s very easily readable body language that went into his reaction and subsequent deflection to something he himself said.

Furthermore, even if it was brought directly to PezRadar’s attention, there’s still no merit in him myth busting a conspiracy post. There’s been leagues and leagues more conspiracies larger than this that they never once bothered to bust, but this one deserved immediate response?

I’m remaining hopelessly optimistic because I thoroughly enjoy this kind of drama playing out, but everything will be left up to the future for results to be seen.

If it takes a 1-2 years to make an act 6 that would be absolutely pathetic. POE releases huge updates QUARTERLY. Why is Blizzard so slow and incompetent, they’re a significantly bigger company.

It’s not about how long it takes to make it, it’s how much hype they can generate to fuel sales.