MrLllamaSC Potentially Let Slip: Act 6 may be coming

Plus, PoE requires snappy quick updates/expansions because the game is F2P. Their revenue is generated purely off hype sales of their MTX store.

Pay To Own games can take more time due to significantly larger one time purchases.

when did they start programming d2r? i somehow got the number 2 years in my head for the whole developement.

It is just a slip of the tongue, a Freudian slip. Something that he would love to have but won’t be happening. All because it won’t have a legacy mode along with a lot of other potential problems.

So there will not be an act 6 because PezRadar ended that speculation in that other thread others will tell you about

For a slip of the tongue to be a thing, substance is required.
That substance is guilt and forethought.
Why would he pull his own words and bite his tongue if not for something that needed to be kept secret that he knew had to be at the very last second of his statement?

Yes, well this is solvable purely on the idea I brought up earlier.


I do believe there is no merit in myth busting conspiracy theories as they are just that and cause no harm. So for him to squash threads talking about the possibility of an Act 6 because of an influencer and streamer and long time show host slipping up on some juicy information… Seems pretty suspect to me.

As the saying going… “If you have nothing to hide… then you have nothing to worry about”


That’s fine. A good move on his part… However there are going to be people who view it as simply damage control.

I’m fine either way. Sure it’d be great if an expansion came out. If Blizzard likes money, that’s one way to get it out of my wallet. If it doesn’t come, I’m still happy with what they’ve done remastering Diablo 2.


Let’s say you are a streamer for a game. You are saying it is impossible for you to start daydreaming about something in that game that doesn’t and is not likely to ever exist. Sure you just might if another player in your stream got you going in that direction.

Look legacy means that the original game is running underneath the wraparound. All they are doing with legacy is keeping the QoL changes and just reverting to the older graphics. That is what proves that the original game is running underneath the wraparound. Act 6 is not part of the original game and is not likely gonna be added to the original nor will they likely add it to D2R.

That doesn’t make it reality, that is not likely gonna happen anytime soon. I have also seen Blizz squash other conspiracies such as loot drops in D3 being based on a lot of goofy ideas like account name.

I guess they are gonna have to learn more about MrLlamaSC before they jump to wild conclusions.

If MrLlamaSC likes to “troll” like this, and that was indeed a troll move, it’s a wonder that he has followers.

I don’t watch him, other than the developer updates. So I don’t know if he has done this in the past.

I have made friends in a game that has been shut down since 2012 called City of Heroes. We spoke using Ventrillo and I knew at least one of my friends would speak in a way that could easily offend others if they didn’t realize that he wasn’t being serious.

As far as MrLlamaSC I can say that it is easy to tell when I can trust him enough to try out what he is saying. One of his many videos about map hacking your mind is spot on and I will keep using that info to quickly go from place to place when I need to do just that.

the whole thing is likely planned by blizzard with llama going by their script. spooling up the hype engines is an art form. they can truthfully say there is no act 6. note that they did not say they weren’t working on one, or planning one, just that there isn’t one.

“there isn’t one” is not the same as “there won’t be one”

In response to:
Act 6 is not a thing, at least nothing I know about.

He says:
Y’all gotta learn that I love to troll and screw around. I figured after 7 years you guys knew that but… well here we are.

Act 6 is coming to D2. Probably going to suck, but lets just accept it.

If it takes to long to make it, there is no hype!! Especially when there are other games better and crushing it. :rofl:

PoE already ate D3’s lunch and stole the ARPG market. Question is can Blizzard win it back? Well maybe if Microsoft takes the helm.

Also interesting because it was commented and locked on a Sunday night.

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Very and if you think about it how many times have they responded to any speculation directly on the forum. The response is better evidence something is up than the video imo.

This reminds me of the personal loot debate pre release people thought the guy said we might get it in future patch’s and nothing came of it. Personally I don’t care to speculate anymore on anything regarding D2R or playtest their memes on this new ptr.

They can do what they want maybe ill play maybe not. :slight_smile: But if they want me to be a play tester for them or help sell their game they can pay me for that privilege.