Mouse and Keyboard support for console

i love using the controller and what not though i would love the addition of keyboard and mouse support. the contrtoller system is a bit confusing compared to diablo 3 but really i just think it would help quite a few people that would prefer key board and mouse and if proper text chat gets added eventually it would benefit from keyboard and mouse support. Also so many other games have already implimented support for keyboard and mouse.


Like what? There aren’t THAT many, unless we’re talking about ports… I’m fine with a controller besides some targeting iff’s that could be worked on to be honest, but to each there own.

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if i am being honest the targeting/attack iffyness is my biggest problem and i just think it would just be a cool accesibility and alternative movement option


True, it would. Not sure how high up it is on the priorities list though…

This is a definite MUST, regardless.


Add text chat fix targeting by adding a ability to stand still you can assign to a button, then use your thumbstick to target, then add text chat. Then add text chat. Again add text chat again.


Console has multiple severe disadvantages. Many caster builds are damn near pointless to play with a controller. Very easy solution…allow K&M on console. Unreal they haven’t figured this one out yet. And not being able to communicate makes trading almost impossible. Again, K&M easily solves this issue but they refuse to listen. Very sad


Keyboard and mouse doesn’t solve the issues, because a majority of people will not use a Keyboard and mouse on console, so they have come to up with solutions the are better for controllers.

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For the many that would use M&K on console, it would be a game changer. There is no hope for controller…unless they can somehow figure out how to precisely aim caster spells, precisely teleport, actually communicate with other players and make inventory and moving items quicker


Path of exile does great at these things, while blizzard doesn’t even try.

The only reason for me why M&K is badly needed is because of the absence of chatting with people in game. This was and still is one of the main reason why people play online. I want to chat and trade with other players. Without it, the gameplay is doomed.

Well we shouldn’t need a mouse and keyboard, the whole point of the console is casual contotrller comfort, i dont need games built with the keyboard in mind, i need blizzard to upgrade a dame game, why cant we select loot on the ground with our right joystick path of exile for example does this, why has d2r not innovatived a single thing to make the
experience better on controllers, we have given up on blizzard already and just crying for a keyboard, if d2r needs a mouse and keyboard on console then that a complete failer.


A possible Solution for the devs!!! Hi!! Long time D1, D2 Legacy, and resurrected player here. Ive recently had my pc crash and only able to play on ps4 currently. As i do agree that mouse and keyboard should be available on ps4, since controller is available for pc, it would make sense to allow it. However, even with just the controller support that currently is there in ps4 and console community, the right analog stick directionals are not in use for anything during gameplay. This could be utilized for a returning aim cursor that can direct the players abilities to their liking with the right thumb. Whilst moving thier character with the left stick. This would allow console players to direct and aim their skills such as teleport, charge, leap, leap attack, targeted spells, etc. Adding in the auto targeting cancellation while right stick aim is egnaged would be critical as to not force a players skills to be directed where they do not choose. And if they prefer the auto targeting they could simply not use the manual aim option. Hopefully this reaches the devs.

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To make note. The cursor is already implemented in the game in each menu to select items. Devs could simply add that already existing mechanic to the right thumbstick. (Having the cursor return on release of stick ofc)

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Lack-of K/M on console for any Diablo game is outright preventing me from bothering with another console purchase. I just got a Xbox, looked at a few ARPGs, and no Diablo (2R, 3, 4) nor even PoE supports K/M.

Yeah, I have the ability to plug a K/M into my console, yes I’d do it, and yes that’s a purchase decision for me. D4 not having it = me continuing not to buy it even on sale.

The consoles support it, and the leg-work is literally done on the PC version. It’s silly to not be allowing K/M and controller both PC/console everywhere you do both PC and current X86 console releases (especially Xbox that makes that cross-dev easy). This should not still be a request for any Diablo game, and I’m only assuming it’s done because I’m sure someone loves the idea of me double-dip buying a PC version and console version.