Most of us would pay for a patch. +Druid tweaks

Who is we? Because the majority of serious shifter players wants to teleport to be viable compared to other classes. The killspeed of a wolf is not the issue

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Royal We!

Not having a teleport is not that bad. It actualy makes you play the content.

This replay was not genereated by AI, ai think?

Bah you don’t understand
He said “serious shapeshifters”
He’s selectively gatekeeping who is a serious shapeshifter based on wether they want teleport or not
No point arguing with somebody that writes rules as he speaks

I dont deny that teleport while shifted would be cool. But you are saying that its the only changes needed. Thats incorrect and also narrow minded

I did not, but since you only read what you want, I won’t explain it again to you

The majority of farms don’t require or necessitate teleporting. Boss rushing and key farming are the only massive time saves for having teleport. Anything else, even a sorc walks around killing things to clear the map. If you think teleport is a problem, then you haven’t really played the game.

About the only real complaint for teleport is how easily a sorc can rush herself from normal-hell, but that’s tiny potatoes. You can find or buy plenty of gear with teleport charges to accomplish the same thing on any class.

This is really funny, because it shows how little you know about the game and how low the skill level is.

No wonder this forum is full of people crying for /p x and more loot and easier xp. You simply don’t know how to play and how much time you are wasting running around like a headless chicken.

As you provide no examples and make no argument. Not surprising from you though, but I didn’t mark you as a “delete teleport” type of person.

I’m not for deleting teleport. But you wrote that “the majority of farms don’t require or necessitate teleporting” and you claimed that it’s only a topic of playthrough. Both statements are incorrect. Teleporting improves progress a lot, especially while farming. Just the basic ability to skip random mobs and only directly access boss groups or skip things like river of flame decreases wasted time a lot. Not even talking about target farms like nila, summoner or countess. Just plain boss pack farming.

In my opinion, every build should be able to teleport in combat form.

Yes, teleport has a lot of benefits, but it ranges from absolutely necessary to consider a certain farm to a minor convenience. It’s not as if every build in the game is either a sorc or is wearing enigma.