More stash space

Was playing another game on and off, only level 14, have no idea what to store and what not, other than the calculated risk of “pick up only rares and do not even read the stats” - it was such a refreshing and pleasant surprise to be able to get 2nd, 3rd and 4th stash tab in exchange for some gold. And it seems I can get more stash tabs still.

Why can’t D2R also allow for more tabs? It cannot be that hard to implement. It will make a tremendous difference to me at least :slight_smile:


I agree more storage is needed, especially if they don’t want to provide currency tab…

For starters I wish they would at least consider providing more tabs in non-ladder. If people are worried too much storage space will discourage trading or help botters, does that really matter in non-ladder?

Agreed, would love more stash space, one gets spoiled playing newer games.

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We had unlimited storage in LOD to be honest. And while I do think there is some hording going on with some people, there is a limiting factor if you’re a really active player.


I think there is really no reason why NOT to have near unlimited space. It’s a game about collecting loot, why have such a big restriction? You could argue that most unique and set items aren’t worth keeping anyway, but that’s not the point.

Give me 10x the amount of Stash Space, with a Sort by (Alphabetic, Rarity, Level etc.), a Search Function and make Gems & Runs stackable and it would improve the game so much. I’m tired of having 10 Bank Characters.


I am sorry, but, there is more than enough stash space available. The original premise of the game was to pick and choose what you would save … not be a hoarder.

Besides, these days, the only real request for even more stash space is MOSTLY requested by botters/RMTrs. They try to be slick, but they are not.

I vote NO for even more stash space.

Maybe, some integrated stackable stash tabs for specific reasons?

Like, maybe, a holy grail tab where items cannot be removed once placed in it.
Like, maybe a crafting stackable stash tab. With assigned slots that match the crafting recipes?

I was for a pgem & rune stackable tab at one time … but, I have grown to hate pgems and a rune stackable tab would be a disaster, what with hackers/dupers/botters/cheaters, you’d have people with 800k ber runes & 350k jah runes … mostly duped, the rest botted. So, I lost the desire to even see those two …

Other than the few things that I mentioned … I see absolutely no legitimate reason for any more stash space of any kind, whatsoever.

Notice the low count alts responding?

Be thankful you have what you have. I play D2R classic which only gives a tiny 6x8 stash per character.


You never cease to make the dumbest of posts.

The original premise of the game had nothing to do with picking and choosing. It was a game designed to be an RPG.

There also was no pressure of pick/choose because mule space was unlimited. So again you doubled down on the stupidity to start.

Followed up by a claim that only botters/RMT users want extra space. RMT would have no reason for extra space because they’d just buy exactly what they need and be done. So you trippled down with the stupidity. Then Botters also don’t need the space, they have plenty of accounts with ONE character and plenty of mule space, not to mention plenty of ghost mule accounts because that just makes sense. Quadrupling down on the raw stupidity.

Now you followed up on stackable gems and runes being a disaster because of 4 reasons NONE of which apply. Nobody is currently hacking the game. Nobody is currently duping in game. Botters again don’t have that need. And what would a cheater benefit from having a stackable gem any more than a normal user would?

And if there was a dupe, runes being stacked doesn’t somehow make that insanely easier, they’d be duping full characters anyway?

Like it is honestly impressive just how perfect you are in your stupidity. Almost a 100% success rate. It is like you’re a russian bot mixture of chat GPT that is drunk and poorly coded.


I agree with you, he is accusing players of being botters and dupers, all because we ask for more stash space. Objecting to extra game features, and quality of life features, with whatever sub-50 IQ excuses he has concocted…

Here is my quick list of QoL enhancements I would like to see:

  1. sound mute button
  2. more stash space
  3. free respecs
  4. stackable gems and runes
  5. a couple of new acts :slight_smile:
  1. Makes Sense
  2. No its not and never is needed
  3. No that goes against original design of choices being final and important
  4. ehh
  5. hell no
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My questions are based on what I believe to remember from discussions 20 years ago. So my memory might be faulty. And/or things might have changed.

20 years ago, IIRC, when the first duping incidents became known, Blizzard introduced “item IDs” with each item getting a unique ID. And when (after duping) two idnetical item IDs joined a game (on 2 different chars) one of them would be deleted and vanish.
That’s still the case, if it eer was like that?
So if you’d introduced currency tabs in a lazy way, you’d just get a counter. Unless they’d store the individual IDs as well.

Why do you htink there is no duping going on any more? I have heard htis a few times in the apst 2 years without any real explanation. Just curios.

They did add IDs, but for the most part once the socketables / cube recipes were used the result was permanent. Obviously it is more technical than that, but there isn’t a ton of reason to go into extreme detail unless you want.

Not sure about the IDs in the new game or the clashing, but it seems as if there is a permanent state in the game that is better at causing IDs to clash within that one game. And the one method in which someone found out how to dupe was patched within like half a day. As of right now there is no known dupe that could be of use. I’m not sure if you could socket it and find use, but I doubt they let that be an option anymore. But I do not know if that is true or not.

But as for creating a currency tab the assumption that the stack could create a weakness is just unlikely. Sure if someone figured out how to dupe, the stacking would make it easier, but if they had a method to dupe that they could take advantage of they’d be doing that already.

As to why I don’t think that duping is a thing is that the made runeword item market is largely dead and looks mostly to be resells or very limited crafters who are looking to fund their own personal rerolls. As well as the fact that most of the stuff of the past that was commonly duped is still within the same realm. If someone knew how to do it and it worked well, they’d take advantage of it and it would be reflected. At a certain point if you are active enough in the trading realm and on d2 discords and jsp/traderie you can spot that the trends of the past don’t exist now.

Somewhat how I called out that there was an active dupe method in New World when the game first started in. When level 1 characters are selling 50k gold and the very best of items which are EXTREMELY rare, even in a game where bots exist that would be too difficult to setup at the very start. Also the trends on the auction house indicated that there was more supply of certain rare materials than could ever be farmed based off the spawns on the map. If every single node of that material was farmed 24/7 since the start of the game never missing a respawn, and none of that material was ever used, there still was more material on the trade market that is possible considering the server up time.

It is just sort of economic trends that if you become familiar with it tell the story without you actually knowing. Similar things are applied to real life economics at times to figure out if someone is trying to inflate/deflate their currency or attempt to short/overload the market. Especially in cases where the materials or products don’t even exist, but the orders were taken.

And despite all of that. There certainly could be a method that works. But as far as the indicators are concerned nobody knows about it OR they’re doing it on such a miniscule scale that it doesn’t matter. Now what we see in the current market is clearly botted goods at an alarming rate. Why? Because almost every single trader outside of a very few even including the big Asian sites lists the typical botted goods alongside their runes. And while back in the day a ber rune was able to be duped and successfully used by the person who purchased it, a duped tal armor is worthless and would just be kind of extra crappy to do to someone.

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yep, the rune lost its ID and the new RW got a new one.

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are these kinds of folks out there who’d sell those tal armors or amulets or whatnot without thinking twice.

Anyway, thanks for the explanation!

When socketed the rune kept the ID it was most likely just never scanned as it was no longer its own individual item. If another rust storm were to happen it would delete that item. Now duped bases for runewords spawned with a generic ID that I think all matched but never clashed, when a runeword was made in them it would give the base a unique ID that was stuck with it forever, even if you removed the runeword to reroll or make a different runeword.

As for D2R there is nothing to worry about. And honestly while in some cases it might have happened I don’t think it happened very often in the old game. It was better to spend your effort to dupe things that were good. Though there were obviously those that duped items that couldn’t be perm’d they’d typically let people know. I think the most common of these were charms sets for PvP characters as well as some of the other incredibly rare items as well. And quite a few people used them knowing they were duped because they knew how to temp perm them on exiting a game.

Not to say there were no bad actors, it just never seemed like a thing people did often.

Already exists: in-game type … /nosound

You can also [in-game] hit escape, go to options, got to sound … there you can adjust sound levels of various types of sounds from 0 to 100%.

Your keyboard also has the function to lower/mute sounds on it as well.

Why in hell would we need to quadruplicate the same damned thing?

You do not need it.

The game is designed for you to be selective in saving and not a hoarder or RMTr.
Now, from the perspective of collectors/holy grailers … they need a locked tab where you can collect everything, but once placed, cannot be removed. That’ll limit the RMTrs.

They have already given you 3 more stash tabs compared to previous versions. Plus each character you create has a single personal tab. That’s way, way more than enough … unless you’re an RMTr.

No more participation trophies.

You can find what you need to do more repecs in game … earn it!

Or just trade for a token, they are available in abundance.


It would only encourage further duping, especially with high runes.
It also encourages more botting so that RMT stores have more product to sell, causing further spambots in chat.

Run RMTrs/botters into the dirt!

A good option to allow players some extras and limit RMTrs:

  1. Allow a stackable tab, ONE, as an added tab for ALL characters only. [NOT a tab per character, but, per account]
  2. Allow limit of 3-5 per stack MAXIMUM.
  3. If implemented, Runes can ONLY be placed here and NOWHERE else in inventory. Let’s keep the RMTrs in check!

Create new act … package … sell & make some new money.

I am all for this!

This game still has tons of potential & the ability to generate income.

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You want free respects essentially taking the token system and throwing it in the trash.

You then talk about “sub-50iq” ← for some reason formatting it like a moron… You understand you meant to say >50iq that is literally the accepted format for less than… its alright thought… you are a moron I forgive you.

Your suggestions are literally what I would expect from the mind of a simpleton.

“Stackable Runes and Gems” ← Yes because recoding the way gems and runes work and combine in the cube is something they are going to add with little to no development team… LMFAO!

“A couple new acts” ← is a QoL change? How is this a QoL change its literally more end game progression and not even related to QoL… yet you have the audacity to even mention IQ? Really?

Go get your IQ tested… its gonna be low just saying.


Oh the irony

This is the reason I quit, I hate the stadh tab tetris.

I’d suggest tempering expectations for the game. It seems the only updates the game is still getting are bug fixes, if it even gets anything at all.

I won’t debate about online, but offline, I really don’t get why they can’t give us a lot more stash tabs. We already have unlimited mules available, so clearly it’s not going to change how much we can hoard.